From: Walter Roberson on
dbd wrote:
> On May 18, 7:43 am, Walter Roberson <rober...(a)> wrote:
>> John wrote:
>>> On 18 май, 15:26, "Heli Golwala" <heligolw...(a)> wrote:
>>>> i want to generate triangle of amplitude 1. and its period shud be variable.
>>> Simply you can do like this: plot(repmat([0.1:0.1:1 0.9:-0.1:0],1,10))
>>> In this case I make one period of triangle and repeate it 10 times.
>> That should be 0.9:-0.1:0.1
>> With the current code, you would get two 0's in a row.
> Actually, 0.9:-0.1:0.1 gives no 0's in a row.

Dang, I should wait until my eyes clear in the morning before posting.