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From: Virginie Uhlmann on 4 Jun 2010 10:29 Hi, I need to calculate the hilbert transform of a signal, and I don't know how hilbert() works so I read the help and I tried to compute the hilbert of sin(x), which is supposed to be an inverted cos(x). Here's my test code: >close all; >clear all; >fs=1000; >T=1/fs; >n=-10:T:10; >y=sin(n); >figure(1); >plot(n,y); >res=hilbert(y); >figure(2); >plot(n,real(res)); >figure(3); >plot(n,imag(res)); I find back my sinus from figure(1) in figure(2), so that's ok. However, I don't have a cosine in figure(3), rather a kind of cosine with a "damped" amplitude over time...where does this come from? Thank you very much for your help. Regards, Virginie |