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From: ImageAnalyst on 5 Apr 2010 20:01 There is no plain 'Marker' property. Look at this example: plot(x,y,'--rs','LineWidth',2,... 'MarkerEdgeColor','k',... 'MarkerFaceColor','g',... 'MarkerSize',10)
From: James on 6 Apr 2010 14:46 I was able to get the marker going, but I'm still having troubles with actually plotting my data. I used this line in my original program to plot the data set(plotHandle,'YData',yz,'XData',xz); set(figureHandle,'Visible','on'); with yz and xz being calculated coordinates from the algorithm. Now I'm trying to plot on the gui axes and it isn't giving me an error, yet it isn't plotting anything. I'm using the following lines to plot and they are located inside my receive button. set(handles.AxesPlot,'YData',yz,'XData',xz); set(handles.AxesPlot,'Visible','on'); Are these the correct commands? Like I said I'm not getting an error message, but there is nothing being plotted. Any Ideas?
From: ImageAnalyst on 6 Apr 2010 15:33 You're not giving it anything to plot. You're just setting up the range of the axes with the XData and YData options, but you're not passing in any actual data to plot, just data for the axes range options of XData and YData. Try getting rid of those and just plot the data and see how that works. set(handles.AxesPlot, xz, yz); % Plot yz versus xz.
From: James on 6 Apr 2010 17:36 Still no luck I tried exactly what you posted, but it isn't plotting. I know everything else up to that point is working correctly because everytime I click receive a new signal strength is noted in the command window, and I set xz and yz equal to these values. RSSI(count) = fscanf(handles.serConn, ['1' 'g' 'c' 'G' '%d']) RSSI2(count2)=fscanf(handles.serConn2,['1' 'g' 'c' 'G' '%d']) xz=RSSI(count); yz=RSSI2(count); So then I put this line underneath it set(handles.AxesPlot, xz, yz); % Plot yz versus xz But I'm not seeing a marker anywhere on AxesPlot. In the property inspector I noticed an editable feature named NextPlot. Do I need to modify this in any way for the dot to show? Thanks
From: ImageAnalyst on 6 Apr 2010 18:26
Sorry, never mind what I said - I was thinking you were issuing the plot command but you're issuing the set command. What happens if you don't use any set commands at all and just do plot(handles.axesPlot, 1:50, rand(1,50), 'ro-'); Do you see anything at all plotted? |