From: Nicholas Kinar on

> Dear Nicholas!
>> I am generating a number of plots which will be stacked on top of each
>> other for easy comparison. In other words, each plot will be exported
>> as an image file (JPEG or TIFF) and placed on a PowerPoint slide.
>> All of these plots have the same tick labels on the x-axis. I am
>> wondering if there is a way to turn off the tick labels on one of the
>> plots using Matlab code.
>> Hypothetically, this would involve the use of a function such as
>> xticklabel('off')
> set(gca, 'XTick', []);
> Jan

Hello Jan---

Thank you very much for your reply! This also works well. For this
particular command, both the ticks and the labels are removed. This
will be very handy for some of the plots which I will create.

From: Nicholas Kinar on

> % Look at the help for Axes Properrties.
> doc axes
> % Then click on the Axes Properties link in the See Also section.
> % You can try something like:
> set(gca,'XTickLabel',[])
> % where gca is the handle to your current axes.

Hello someone---

Thank you very much for your response! It's very nice to know that
there is yet another way to do this. Once again, thank you!
