From: Vero25 on 26 Jul 2010 06:16 Hello, I have issues to make this code runing. I want to provide a matrix for the variable Rho, so that the result is computed for every element of this matrix. Can somebody give a hand? NoRatings=17; left_bound=-20; DT(1)=left_bound; for j=2:NoRatings DT(j)=norminv(PD(j)); end NoGrids=17; rho=0.5; % SHOLD BE A MATRIX!! NoRows=NoRatings*NoRatings*NoGrids; result_matrix=zeros(NoRows , 4); % loop through the ratings and asset-correlation grid points row_counter=0; for j=1:NoRatings for k=1:NoRatings for m=1 : NoGrids row_counter=row_counter+1; % j and k correspnd to RatingA and RatingB (of obligor A and % obligor B) RatingA=j; RatingB=k; if isequal(j,1) || isequal(k,1) default_correlation =0; elseif isequal(rho,1) PD_joint_default = min(PD(j),PD(k)); default_correlation=(PD_joint_default - PD(j)*PD(k)) / (PD(j)*PD(k)*(1-PD(j))*(1-PD(k)))^0.5; else % density is the two-dimensional normal density, given the % correlation rho density=['exp(-0.5*(x .* x + y*y -2*x*y*' num2str(rho) ')/(1-' num2str(rho) '*' num2str(rho) ' ))' ] ; % PD_joint_default is the probability of a joint default (given % Rating A, Rating B, and rho). The evaluation of the double % integral with a sufficiently low left boundary in both % dimensions PD_joint_default= 1/(2*pi)* 1/(1-rho^2)^0.5 * dblquad(inline(density) ,left_bound,DT(j),left_bound,DT(k)); % resulting correlation of the default event default_correlation=(PD_joint_default - PD(j)*PD(k)) / (PD(j)*PD(k)*(1-PD(j))*(1-PD(k)))^0.5; end result_matrix(row_counter,1) =RatingA; result_matrix(row_counter,2) =RatingB; result_matrix(row_counter,3) =rho; result_matrix(row_counter,4) =default_correlation; end end end
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