From: Bob on
I am trying to do some high bandwidth processing in MatLab reading a UDP socket.

As much as I try, I can't read more than ~32KBps using the code below.

Is there something I can do to increase the rate at which I can read the UDP datagrams? Or is this a limitation of the IC toolbox?

Using Java I can read at a higher rate, but still not at the rate I am sending. And it seems compiling the java version of the code with 'mcc' is not an option.

Any ideas?

Note: the gui referenced is simply a stop button. the input datastream is coming across a GbE NIC at over ~100Mbps.

%% init
clear all;

% start GUI
g = gui;
running = 1;

format long;
tnow = tic;

totalBytes = 0;

if ~exist('u', 'var')
global u;
u = udp ('', 20480, 'LocalPort', 20480); %#ok<TNMLP>
u.Timeout = 0;

%udpTargetReport(mod(now,1)*86400.0*1e9, [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ]);


while running
% check if data available on the socket
n = u.BytesAvailable;

% get data while there is data to read
while n
% read datagram from socket as uint32
[d, nd] = fread(u, n, 'uint8');

% u8 contains message as array of uint8
% u8 = uint8(d);

n = n - nd;

totalBytes = totalBytes + nd;


dt = toc(tnow);
if (dt >= 1)

% call ~1Hz processing here, if needed
% disp(dt);
fprintf('Bps = %f\n', totalBytes / dt);
tnow = tic;
totalBytes = 0;

% see if user pressed stop button
gd = guidata(g);
running = gd.running;

catch exception
if 1 == strcmp('MATLAB:guidata:InvalidInput', exception.identifier)
% user closed dialog without pressing stop button
running = 0;
clear g;
% probably an i/o exception, lets see it

% we either are closing or there was an exception on the socket
% either way, close the socket
if exist('u', 'var')
clear u;

%% cleanup
if exist('g', 'var')
close (g);
clear g;

if exist('u', 'var')
clear u;
From: Walter Roberson on
Bob wrote:
> I am trying to do some high bandwidth processing in MatLab reading a UDP
> socket.
> As much as I try, I can't read more than ~32KBps using the code below.
> Is there something I can do to increase the rate at which I can read the
> UDP datagrams? Or is this a limitation of the IC toolbox?

You might wish to experiment with the tcpudpip File Exchange contribution.

> pause(0.000000001);

You could pause(0) if the point is to allow events to be processed.
From: Bob on
> You might wish to experiment with the tcpudpip File Exchange contribution.

Thanks for the suggestion. I will try it and see what I get.

> You could pause(0) if the point is to allow events to be processed.

And I understand pause(0) SHOULD allow events to be processed, but in my case it doesn't work; pushing the Stop button in the GUI has no effect with pause(0); it works with pause(0.000000001);
From: Bob on
> >
> > You might wish to experiment with the tcpudpip File Exchange contribution.
> >


XP Win32 --> XP Win64
~100Mbps UDP stream
1468 byte datagrams
reads only 8Mbps.

XP Win64 --> XP Win32
~100Mbps UDP stream
1468 byte datagrams
reads 72Mbps.

Still significant packet loss; very much so with Rx on Win64.

(For those who might suggest larger datagrams, that's not under my control.)

Here's the code:
%% init
clear all;

% start GUI
g = gui;
running = 1;

format long;
tnow = tic;

totalBytes = 0;

udp = pnet('udpsocket',20480);

while running
% if the udp socket doesn't exist, create it
% (might be the first time, or there might have been an i/o exception
% to cause the socket to be closed, either way, create it if it
% doesn't exist)
% check if data available on the socket
n = pnet(udp,'readpacket');

% get data while there is data to read
while n
% read datagram from socket as uint32
nd = 1468;

d = pnet(udp,'read',1468,'uint8');

n = n - nd;

totalBytes = totalBytes + nd;

dt = toc(tnow);
if (dt >= 1)

% call ~1Hz processing here, if needed
% disp(dt);
fprintf('Mbps = %f\n', 8*totalBytes / (1000000*dt));
tnow = tic;
totalBytes = 0;

gd = guidata(g);
running = gd.running;

% check if user stopped us via GUI
catch exception
if 1 == strcmp('MATLAB:guidata:InvalidInput', exception.identifier)
% user closed dialog without pressing stop button
running = 0;
clear g;
% probably an i/o exception, lets see it

% we either are closing or there was an exception on the socket
% either way, close the socket
if exist('u', 'var')
clear u;
From: Trent Jarvi on

"Bob " <bwhite(a)> wrote in message
>I am trying to do some high bandwidth processing in MatLab reading a UDP
> As much as I try, I can't read more than ~32KBps using the code below.
> Is there something I can do to increase the rate at which I can read the
> UDP datagrams? Or is this a limitation of the IC toolbox?
> Using Java I can read at a higher rate, but still not at the rate I am
> sending. And it seems compiling the java version of the code with 'mcc'
> is not an option.
> Any ideas?
> Note: the gui referenced is simply a stop button. the input datastream is
> coming across a GbE NIC at over ~100Mbps.
> ================================================
> %% init
> clear all;
> % start GUI
> g = gui;
> running = 1;
> format long;
> tnow = tic;
> totalBytes = 0;
> if ~exist('u', 'var')
> global u;
> u = udp ('', 20480, 'LocalPort', 20480); %#ok<TNMLP>
> fopen(u);
> u.Timeout = 0;
> %udpTargetReport(mod(now,1)*86400.0*1e9, [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ]);
> end
> while running
> try
> % check if data available on the socket
> n = u.BytesAvailable;
> % get data while there is data to read
> while n
> % read datagram from socket as uint32
> [d, nd] = fread(u, n, 'uint8');
> % u8 contains message as array of uint8
> % u8 = uint8(d);
> n = n - nd;
> totalBytes = totalBytes + nd;
> end
> dt = toc(tnow);
> if (dt >= 1)
> % call ~1Hz processing here, if needed
> % disp(dt);
> %
> fprintf('Bps = %f\n', totalBytes / dt);
> tnow = tic;
> totalBytes = 0;
> %
> % see if user pressed stop button
> %
> pause(0.000000001);
> gd = guidata(g);
> running = gd.running;
> end
> catch exception
> if 1 == strcmp('MATLAB:guidata:InvalidInput', exception.identifier)
> % user closed dialog without pressing stop button
> running = 0;
> clear g;
> else
> % probably an i/o exception, lets see it
> disp(exception.message);
> end
> % we either are closing or there was an exception on the socket
> % either way, close the socket if exist('u', 'var')
> fclose(u);
> delete(u);
> clear u;
> exit;
> end
> end
> end
> %% cleanup
> if exist('g', 'var')
> close (g); clear g;
> end
> if exist('u', 'var')
> fclose(u);
> delete(u);
> clear u;
> end

Hi Bob,

ICT historically deals with instruments that communicate with ASCII strings
of data. There is some overhead associated with parsing the lines of ASCII
communication. Since you are doing binary communication, I recommend you
set the terminator to null to avoid extra string based processing of the
data. The throughput improvements can be significant.

u = udp ('', 20480, 'LocalPort', 20480); %#ok<TNMLP>
u.Timeout = 0;

Throughput should then be optimal when you are reading about 9k of data each