From: Finn Stampe Mikkelsen on
"David H. Lipman" <DLipman~nospam~@Verizon.Net> skrev i meddelelsen
> From: "Finn Stampe Mikkelsen" <stampe(a)>
> | Yeah well, not a viable solution for me. Just bought the damn sucker.
> 32GB
> | stick and it cost around $100, so i'm not likely going to spank it any
> time
> | soon...
> | But i tried the solution sugested above and i wonder why my F-Secure,
> bought
> | and payed for, did not clean the darn thing.. MCAfee identified it
> promptly
> | and removed it.. It hat not yet returned, som i consider it gone now..
> | Thanks goes out to david...
> | /Finn
> Smashing would NOT have bee a solution as it probably infected the PC and
> you may have
> other devices infected as well.
> Did you scan the PC and all removable Read/Write media ?
> What did McAfee find ?
> You can extract that information from...
> C:\AV-CLS\mcafee\ScanReport.HTML

Yeah i did.. it only found something on the USB-Stick, besides som minor
things with Serv-U...

It was a worm. I deleted that folder, when i was finished using it, not
thinking about that report.. I'm not that fond of Dos, so... Sorry, can't
tell you what it was, but it's gone...


Der er 10 slags mennesker - Dem som forst�r bin�r og dem som ikke g�r.
There are 10 kinds of people. Those who understand binary and those who
Es gibt 10 Arten von Menschen. Die, die Bin�r verstehen, bzw. die, die es
nicht tuhen.
> --
> Dave
> Multi-AV -
From: FromTheRafters on
"nobody >" <usenetharvested(a)> wrote in message

> At the prices of USB sticks today, the fastest fix would be to spank
> that stick with a large hammer and replace it.

That would get rid of that particular symptom alright. What next, a
sledgehammer for the PC.


From: ArameFarpado on
Em Segunda 23 Novembro 2009 22:52, Finn Stampe Mikkelsen escreveu:

> Hi
> Could anybody tell me, how i could get rid of this virus. Below there is a
> directory of my USB-Stick. i have tried several solutions i found on
> google, but none of them worked...

stick that in a pc running linux, delete the files.
From: "nobody >" on
FromTheRafters wrote:
> "nobody >" <usenetharvested(a)> wrote in message
> news:YoidnRqc_b-8sZbWnZ2dnUVZ_iydnZ2d(a)
>> At the prices of USB sticks today, the fastest fix would be to spank
>> that stick with a large hammer and replace it.
> That would get rid of that particular symptom alright. What next, a
> sledgehammer for the PC.
> :o)

That's OK, but for the PC, any/some/all of the following

I've been an idiot, the vids I SHOULD have taken during some of some of
our little "computer-from-hell" retribution events would have great

For that server rack that just won't co-operate, no matter what you do:
From: LittleProgrammer on
On Nov 24, 9:52 am, "Finn Stampe Mikkelsen" <sta...(a)> wrote:
> Hi
> Could anybody tell me, how i could get rid of this virus. Below there is a
> directory of my USB-Stick. i have tried several solutions i found on google,
> but none of them worked...
>  Disken i drev P er Cruzer U3
>  Diskens serienummer er 8AD5-0AE2
>  Indhold af P:\
> 16-11-2009  22:40               246 AUTORUN_.0NF
> 17-11-2009  18:19    <DIR>          cold
> 16-11-2009  22:41    <DIR>          System Volume Information
>                1 fil(er)              246 byte
>  Indhold af P:\cold
> 17-11-2009  18:19    <DIR>          .
> 17-11-2009  18:19    <DIR>          ..
> 20-11-2009  10:48    <DIR>          hott
>                0 fil(er)                0 byte
>  Indhold af P:\cold\hott
> 20-11-2009  10:48    <DIR>          .
> 20-11-2009  10:48    <DIR>          ..
> 22-11-2009  03:15                63 Desktop.ini
> 18-11-2009  22:49            25.600 ¾ôóü¨÷Ïo-ýîý
> 15-11-2009  00:51           102.441 ñ¾ô§ýÿ÷¾¬-ýîý
>                3 fil(er)          128.104 byte
>      Antal filer i alt:
>                4 fil(er)          128.350 byte
>                7 mappe(r)  31.882.956.800 byte ledig
> /Finn
> --
> Der er 10 slags mennesker - Dem som forstår binær og dem som ikke gør.
> There are 10 kinds of people. Those who understand binary and those who
> don't.
> Es gibt 10 Arten von Menschen. Die, die Binär verstehen,  bzw. die, die es
> nicht tuhen.

can you post the content of AUTORUN_.0NF?
btw. scan your pc using legimate AV's, and post the virus name here.