From: Richard on 19 May 2010 10:34 We're running DB2 V9.1.0.4 on AIX 5.3. We're receiving this message in db2diag.log. 2010-05-19- I1089667A438 LEVEL: Warning PID : 2125870 TID : 1 PROC : db2stmm (DB_SIMS) 0 INSTANCE: db2sims NODE : 000 DB : DB_SIMS APPHDL : 0-1359 APPID: *LOCAL.DB2.100519110813 AUTHID : DB2SIMS FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, Self tuning memory manager, stmmEnforceMinSizeConstraints, probe:2156 MESSAGE : Unable to find donor to satisfy minSize constraint Being relatively new to DB2, I'm not certain what it's indicating. I presume that the STMM wants more memory for some component. Is it a internal DB2 param that's preventing it, or is it the O/S that's unable to provide? Here's my DBM and DB CFG Thx. Database Manager Configuration Node type = Enterprise Server Edition with local and remote clients Database manager configuration release level = 0x0b00 CPU speed (millisec/instruction) (CPUSPEED) = 4.841528e-07 Communications bandwidth (MB/sec) (COMM_BANDWIDTH) = 1.000000e +02 Max number of concurrently active databases (NUMDB) = 8 Federated Database System Support (FEDERATED) = NO Transaction processor monitor name (TP_MON_NAME) = Default charge-back account (DFT_ACCOUNT_STR) = Java Development Kit installation path (JDK_PATH) = /usr/users/ db2sims/sqllib/java/jdk64 Diagnostic error capture level (DIAGLEVEL) = 3 Notify Level (NOTIFYLEVEL) = 3 Diagnostic data directory path (DIAGPATH) = /usr/users/ db2sims/sqllib/db2dump Default database monitor switches Buffer pool (DFT_MON_BUFPOOL) = ON Lock (DFT_MON_LOCK) = ON Sort (DFT_MON_SORT) = ON Statement (DFT_MON_STMT) = ON Table (DFT_MON_TABLE) = ON Timestamp (DFT_MON_TIMESTAMP) = ON Unit of work (DFT_MON_UOW) = ON Monitor health of instance and databases (HEALTH_MON) = OFF SYSADM group name (SYSADM_GROUP) = DB2SIMS SYSCTRL group name (SYSCTRL_GROUP) = SYSMAINT group name (SYSMAINT_GROUP) = SYSMON group name (SYSMON_GROUP) = Client Userid-Password Plugin (CLNT_PW_PLUGIN) = Client Kerberos Plugin (CLNT_KRB_PLUGIN) = Group Plugin (GROUP_PLUGIN) = GSS Plugin for Local Authorization (LOCAL_GSSPLUGIN) = Server Plugin Mode (SRV_PLUGIN_MODE) = UNFENCED Server List of GSS Plugins (SRVCON_GSSPLUGIN_LIST) = Server Userid-Password Plugin (SRVCON_PW_PLUGIN) = Server Connection Authentication (SRVCON_AUTH) = NOT_SPECIFIED Database manager authentication (AUTHENTICATION) = SERVER Cataloging allowed without authority (CATALOG_NOAUTH) = NO Trust all clients (TRUST_ALLCLNTS) = YES Trusted client authentication (TRUST_CLNTAUTH) = CLIENT Bypass federated authentication (FED_NOAUTH) = NO Default database path (DFTDBPATH) = /usr/users/ db2sims Database monitor heap size (4KB) (MON_HEAP_SZ) = 90 Java Virtual Machine heap size (4KB) (JAVA_HEAP_SZ) = 2048 Audit buffer size (4KB) (AUDIT_BUF_SZ) = 0 Size of instance shared memory (4KB) (INSTANCE_MEMORY) = AUTOMATIC Backup buffer default size (4KB) (BACKBUFSZ) = 1024 Restore buffer default size (4KB) (RESTBUFSZ) = 1024 Sort heap threshold (4KB) (SHEAPTHRES) = 10000 Directory cache support (DIR_CACHE) = YES Application support layer heap size (4KB) (ASLHEAPSZ) = 15 Max requester I/O block size (bytes) (RQRIOBLK) = 32767 Query heap size (4KB) (QUERY_HEAP_SZ) = 4000 Workload impact by throttled utilities(UTIL_IMPACT_LIM) = 10 Priority of agents (AGENTPRI) = SYSTEM Max number of existing agents (MAXAGENTS) = 400 Agent pool size (NUM_POOLAGENTS) = 200(calculated) Initial number of agents in pool (NUM_INITAGENTS) = 0 Max number of coordinating agents (MAX_COORDAGENTS) = MAXAGENTS Max no. of concurrent coordinating agents (MAXCAGENTS) = MAX_COORDAGENTS Max number of client connections (MAX_CONNECTIONS) = MAX_COORDAGENTS Keep fenced process (KEEPFENCED) = YES Number of pooled fenced processes (FENCED_POOL) = MAX_COORDAGENTS Initial number of fenced processes (NUM_INITFENCED) = 0 Index re-creation time and redo index build (INDEXREC) = RESTART Transaction manager database name (TM_DATABASE) = 1ST_CONN Transaction resync interval (sec) (RESYNC_INTERVAL) = 180 SPM name (SPM_NAME) = SPM log size (SPM_LOG_FILE_SZ) = 256 SPM resync agent limit (SPM_MAX_RESYNC) = 20 SPM log path (SPM_LOG_PATH) = TCP/IP Service name (SVCENAME) = 60032 Discovery mode (DISCOVER) = SEARCH Discover server instance (DISCOVER_INST) = ENABLE Maximum query degree of parallelism (MAX_QUERYDEGREE) = ANY Enable intra-partition parallelism (INTRA_PARALLEL) = NO Maximum Asynchronous TQs per query (FEDERATED_ASYNC) = 0 No. of int. communication buffers(4KB)(FCM_NUM_BUFFERS) = AUTOMATIC No. of int. communication channels (FCM_NUM_CHANNELS) = AUTOMATIC Node connection elapse time (sec) (CONN_ELAPSE) = 10 Max number of node connection retries (MAX_CONNRETRIES) = 5 Max time difference between nodes (min) (MAX_TIME_DIFF) = 60 db2start/db2stop timeout (min) (START_STOP_TIME) = 10 Database Configuration for Database db_sims Database configuration release level = 0x0b00 Database release level = 0x0b00 Database territory = US Database code page = 1208 Database code set = UTF-8 Database country/region code = 1 Database collating sequence = IDENTITY Alternate collating sequence (ALT_COLLATE) = Database page size = 4096 Dynamic SQL Query management (DYN_QUERY_MGMT) = DISABLE Discovery support for this database (DISCOVER_DB) = ENABLE Restrict access = NO Default query optimization class (DFT_QUERYOPT) = 5 Degree of parallelism (DFT_DEGREE) = 1 Continue upon arithmetic exceptions (DFT_SQLMATHWARN) = NO Default refresh age (DFT_REFRESH_AGE) = 0 Default maintained table types for opt (DFT_MTTB_TYPES) = SYSTEM Number of frequent values retained (NUM_FREQVALUES) = 10 Number of quantiles retained (NUM_QUANTILES) = 20 Backup pending = NO Database is consistent = NO Rollforward pending = NO Restore pending = NO Multi-page file allocation enabled = YES Log retain for recovery status = NO User exit for logging status = YES Self tuning memory (SELF_TUNING_MEM) = ON Size of database shared memory (4KB) (DATABASE_MEMORY) = AUTOMATIC Database memory threshold (DB_MEM_THRESH) = 10 Max storage for lock list (4KB) (LOCKLIST) = AUTOMATIC Percent. of lock lists per application (MAXLOCKS) = AUTOMATIC Package cache size (4KB) (PCKCACHESZ) = AUTOMATIC Sort heap thres for shared sorts (4KB) (SHEAPTHRES_SHR) = AUTOMATIC Sort list heap (4KB) (SORTHEAP) = AUTOMATIC Database heap (4KB) (DBHEAP) = 5000 Catalog cache size (4KB) (CATALOGCACHE_SZ) = 1200 Log buffer size (4KB) (LOGBUFSZ) = 98 Utilities heap size (4KB) (UTIL_HEAP_SZ) = 5000 Buffer pool size (pages) (BUFFPAGE) = 1000 Max size of appl. group mem set (4KB) (APPGROUP_MEM_SZ) = 30000 Percent of mem for appl. group heap (GROUPHEAP_RATIO) = 70 Max appl. control heap size (4KB) (APP_CTL_HEAP_SZ) = 16384 SQL statement heap (4KB) (STMTHEAP) = 4096 Default application heap (4KB) (APPLHEAPSZ) = 8192 Statistics heap size (4KB) (STAT_HEAP_SZ) = 20000 Interval for checking deadlock (ms) (DLCHKTIME) = 10000 Lock timeout (sec) (LOCKTIMEOUT) = 120 Changed pages threshold (CHNGPGS_THRESH) = 80 Number of asynchronous page cleaners (NUM_IOCLEANERS) = AUTOMATIC Number of I/O servers (NUM_IOSERVERS) = AUTOMATIC Index sort flag (INDEXSORT) = YES Sequential detect flag (SEQDETECT) = YES Default prefetch size (pages) (DFT_PREFETCH_SZ) = AUTOMATIC Track modified pages (TRACKMOD) = ON Default number of containers = 1 Default tablespace extentsize (pages) (DFT_EXTENT_SZ) = 32 Max number of active applications (MAXAPPLS) = AUTOMATIC Average number of active applications (AVG_APPLS) = AUTOMATIC Max DB files open per application (MAXFILOP) = 64 Log file size (4KB) (LOGFILSIZ) = 4096 Number of primary log files (LOGPRIMARY) = 6 Number of secondary log files (LOGSECOND) = 14 Changed path to log files (NEWLOGPATH) = Path to log files = / db2simsdata/logs/NODE0000/ Overflow log path (OVERFLOWLOGPATH) = Mirror log path (MIRRORLOGPATH) = First active log file = S0000243.LOG Block log on disk full (BLK_LOG_DSK_FUL) = NO Percent max primary log space by transaction (MAX_LOG) = 0 Num. of active log files for 1 active UOW(NUM_LOG_SPAN) = 0 Group commit count (MINCOMMIT) = 1 Percent log file reclaimed before soft chckpt (SOFTMAX) = 520 Log retain for recovery enabled (LOGRETAIN) = OFF User exit for logging enabled (USEREXIT) = OFF HADR database role = STANDARD HADR local host name (HADR_LOCAL_HOST) = HADR local service name (HADR_LOCAL_SVC) = HADR remote host name (HADR_REMOTE_HOST) = HADR remote service name (HADR_REMOTE_SVC) = HADR instance name of remote server (HADR_REMOTE_INST) = HADR timeout value (HADR_TIMEOUT) = 120 HADR log write synchronization mode (HADR_SYNCMODE) = ASYNC First log archive method (LOGARCHMETH1) = DISK:/ db2simsdata/archive/ Options for logarchmeth1 (LOGARCHOPT1) = Second log archive method (LOGARCHMETH2) = OFF Options for logarchmeth2 (LOGARCHOPT2) = Failover log archive path (FAILARCHPATH) = Number of log archive retries on error (NUMARCHRETRY) = 5 Log archive retry Delay (secs) (ARCHRETRYDELAY) = 20 Vendor options (VENDOROPT) = Auto restart enabled (AUTORESTART) = ON Index re-creation time and redo index build (INDEXREC) = SYSTEM (RESTART) Log pages during index build (LOGINDEXBUILD) = OFF Default number of loadrec sessions (DFT_LOADREC_SES) = 1 Number of database backups to retain (NUM_DB_BACKUPS) = 12 Recovery history retention (days) (REC_HIS_RETENTN) = 366 TSM management class (TSM_MGMTCLASS) = TSM node name (TSM_NODENAME) = TSM owner (TSM_OWNER) = TSM password (TSM_PASSWORD) = Automatic maintenance (AUTO_MAINT) = ON Automatic database backup (AUTO_DB_BACKUP) = OFF Automatic table maintenance (AUTO_TBL_MAINT) = ON Automatic runstats (AUTO_RUNSTATS) = ON Automatic statistics profiling (AUTO_STATS_PROF) = OFF Automatic profile updates (AUTO_PROF_UPD) = OFF Automatic reorganization (AUTO_REORG) = OFF
From: Frederik Engelen on 19 May 2010 11:29 On May 19, 4:34 pm, Richard <rmcgor...(a)> wrote: > We're running DB2 V9.1.0.4 on AIX 5.3. We're receiving this message > in db2diag.log. > > 2010-05-19- I1089667A438 LEVEL: Warning > PID : 2125870 TID : 1 PROC : db2stmm > (DB_SIMS) 0 > INSTANCE: db2sims NODE : 000 DB : > DB_SIMS > APPHDL : 0-1359 APPID: > *LOCAL.DB2.100519110813 > AUTHID : DB2SIMS > FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, Self tuning memory manager, > stmmEnforceMinSizeConstraints, probe:2156 > MESSAGE : Unable to find donor to satisfy minSize > constraint > > Being relatively new to DB2, I'm not certain what it's indicating. I > presume that the STMM wants more memory for some component. Is it a > internal DB2 param that's preventing it, or is it the O/S that's > unable to provide? > > Here's my DBM and DB CFG > > Thx. > > Database Manager Configuration > > Node type = Enterprise Server Edition with local and remote > clients > > Database manager configuration release level = 0x0b00 > > CPU speed (millisec/instruction) (CPUSPEED) = > 4.841528e-07 > Communications bandwidth (MB/sec) (COMM_BANDWIDTH) = 1.000000e > +02 > > Max number of concurrently active databases (NUMDB) = 8 > Federated Database System Support (FEDERATED) = NO > Transaction processor monitor name (TP_MON_NAME) = > > Default charge-back account (DFT_ACCOUNT_STR) = > > Java Development Kit installation path (JDK_PATH) = /usr/users/ > db2sims/sqllib/java/jdk64 > > Diagnostic error capture level (DIAGLEVEL) = 3 > Notify Level (NOTIFYLEVEL) = 3 > Diagnostic data directory path (DIAGPATH) = /usr/users/ > db2sims/sqllib/db2dump > > Default database monitor switches > Buffer pool (DFT_MON_BUFPOOL) = ON > Lock (DFT_MON_LOCK) = ON > Sort (DFT_MON_SORT) = ON > Statement (DFT_MON_STMT) = ON > Table (DFT_MON_TABLE) = ON > Timestamp (DFT_MON_TIMESTAMP) = ON > Unit of work (DFT_MON_UOW) = ON > Monitor health of instance and databases (HEALTH_MON) = OFF > > SYSADM group name (SYSADM_GROUP) = DB2SIMS > SYSCTRL group name (SYSCTRL_GROUP) = > SYSMAINT group name (SYSMAINT_GROUP) = > SYSMON group name (SYSMON_GROUP) = > > Client Userid-Password Plugin (CLNT_PW_PLUGIN) = > Client Kerberos Plugin (CLNT_KRB_PLUGIN) = > Group Plugin (GROUP_PLUGIN) = > GSS Plugin for Local Authorization (LOCAL_GSSPLUGIN) = > Server Plugin Mode (SRV_PLUGIN_MODE) = UNFENCED > Server List of GSS Plugins (SRVCON_GSSPLUGIN_LIST) = > Server Userid-Password Plugin (SRVCON_PW_PLUGIN) = > Server Connection Authentication (SRVCON_AUTH) = > NOT_SPECIFIED > Database manager authentication (AUTHENTICATION) = SERVER > Cataloging allowed without authority (CATALOG_NOAUTH) = NO > Trust all clients (TRUST_ALLCLNTS) = YES > Trusted client authentication (TRUST_CLNTAUTH) = CLIENT > Bypass federated authentication (FED_NOAUTH) = NO > > Default database path (DFTDBPATH) = /usr/users/ > db2sims > > Database monitor heap size (4KB) (MON_HEAP_SZ) = 90 > Java Virtual Machine heap size (4KB) (JAVA_HEAP_SZ) = 2048 > Audit buffer size (4KB) (AUDIT_BUF_SZ) = 0 > Size of instance shared memory (4KB) (INSTANCE_MEMORY) = AUTOMATIC > Backup buffer default size (4KB) (BACKBUFSZ) = 1024 > Restore buffer default size (4KB) (RESTBUFSZ) = 1024 > > Sort heap threshold (4KB) (SHEAPTHRES) = 10000 > > Directory cache support (DIR_CACHE) = YES > > Application support layer heap size (4KB) (ASLHEAPSZ) = 15 > Max requester I/O block size (bytes) (RQRIOBLK) = 32767 > Query heap size (4KB) (QUERY_HEAP_SZ) = 4000 > > Workload impact by throttled utilities(UTIL_IMPACT_LIM) = 10 > > Priority of agents (AGENTPRI) = SYSTEM > Max number of existing agents (MAXAGENTS) = 400 > Agent pool size (NUM_POOLAGENTS) = > 200(calculated) > Initial number of agents in pool (NUM_INITAGENTS) = 0 > Max number of coordinating agents (MAX_COORDAGENTS) = MAXAGENTS > Max no. of concurrent coordinating agents (MAXCAGENTS) = > MAX_COORDAGENTS > Max number of client connections (MAX_CONNECTIONS) = > MAX_COORDAGENTS > > Keep fenced process (KEEPFENCED) = YES > Number of pooled fenced processes (FENCED_POOL) = > MAX_COORDAGENTS > Initial number of fenced processes (NUM_INITFENCED) = 0 > > Index re-creation time and redo index build (INDEXREC) = RESTART > > Transaction manager database name (TM_DATABASE) = 1ST_CONN > Transaction resync interval (sec) (RESYNC_INTERVAL) = 180 > > SPM name (SPM_NAME) = > SPM log size (SPM_LOG_FILE_SZ) = 256 > SPM resync agent limit (SPM_MAX_RESYNC) = 20 > SPM log path (SPM_LOG_PATH) = > > TCP/IP Service name (SVCENAME) = 60032 > Discovery mode (DISCOVER) = SEARCH > Discover server instance (DISCOVER_INST) = ENABLE > > Maximum query degree of parallelism (MAX_QUERYDEGREE) = ANY > Enable intra-partition parallelism (INTRA_PARALLEL) = NO > > Maximum Asynchronous TQs per query (FEDERATED_ASYNC) = 0 > > No. of int. communication buffers(4KB)(FCM_NUM_BUFFERS) = AUTOMATIC > No. of int. communication channels (FCM_NUM_CHANNELS) = AUTOMATIC > Node connection elapse time (sec) (CONN_ELAPSE) = 10 > Max number of node connection retries (MAX_CONNRETRIES) = 5 > Max time difference between nodes (min) (MAX_TIME_DIFF) = 60 > > db2start/db2stop timeout (min) (START_STOP_TIME) = 10 > > Database Configuration for Database db_sims > > Database configuration release level = 0x0b00 > Database release level = 0x0b00 > > Database territory = US > Database code page = 1208 > Database code set = UTF-8 > Database country/region code = 1 > Database collating sequence = IDENTITY > Alternate collating sequence (ALT_COLLATE) = > Database page size = 4096 > > Dynamic SQL Query management (DYN_QUERY_MGMT) = DISABLE > > Discovery support for this database (DISCOVER_DB) = ENABLE > > Restrict access = NO > Default query optimization class (DFT_QUERYOPT) = 5 > Degree of parallelism (DFT_DEGREE) = 1 > Continue upon arithmetic exceptions (DFT_SQLMATHWARN) = NO > Default refresh age (DFT_REFRESH_AGE) = 0 > Default maintained table types for opt (DFT_MTTB_TYPES) = SYSTEM > Number of frequent values retained (NUM_FREQVALUES) = 10 > Number of quantiles retained (NUM_QUANTILES) = 20 > > Backup pending = NO > > Database is consistent = NO > Rollforward pending = NO > Restore pending = NO > > Multi-page file allocation enabled = YES > > Log retain for recovery status = NO > User exit for logging status = YES > > Self tuning memory (SELF_TUNING_MEM) = ON > Size of database shared memory (4KB) (DATABASE_MEMORY) = AUTOMATIC > Database memory threshold (DB_MEM_THRESH) = 10 > Max storage for lock list (4KB) (LOCKLIST) = AUTOMATIC > Percent. of lock lists per application (MAXLOCKS) = AUTOMATIC > Package cache size (4KB) (PCKCACHESZ) = AUTOMATIC > Sort heap thres for shared sorts (4KB) (SHEAPTHRES_SHR) = AUTOMATIC > Sort list heap (4KB) (SORTHEAP) = AUTOMATIC > > Database heap (4KB) (DBHEAP) = 5000 > Catalog cache size (4KB) (CATALOGCACHE_SZ) = 1200 > Log buffer size (4KB) (LOGBUFSZ) = 98 > Utilities heap size (4KB) (UTIL_HEAP_SZ) = 5000 > Buffer pool size (pages) (BUFFPAGE) = 1000 > Max size of appl. group mem set (4KB) (APPGROUP_MEM_SZ) = 30000 > Percent of mem for appl. group heap (GROUPHEAP_RATIO) = 70 > Max appl. control heap size (4KB) (APP_CTL_HEAP_SZ) = 16384 > > SQL statement heap (4KB) (STMTHEAP) = 4096 > Default application heap (4KB) (APPLHEAPSZ) = 8192 > Statistics heap size (4KB) (STAT_HEAP_SZ) = 20000 > > Interval for checking deadlock (ms) (DLCHKTIME) = 10000 > Lock timeout (sec) (LOCKTIMEOUT) = 120 > > Changed pages threshold (CHNGPGS_THRESH) = 80 > Number of asynchronous page cleaners (NUM_IOCLEANERS) = AUTOMATIC > Number of I/O servers (NUM_IOSERVERS) = AUTOMATIC > Index sort flag (INDEXSORT) = YES > Sequential detect flag (SEQDETECT) = YES > Default prefetch size (pages) (DFT_PREFETCH_SZ) = AUTOMATIC > > Track modified pages (TRACKMOD) = ON > > Default number of containers = 1 > Default tablespace extentsize (pages) (DFT_EXTENT_SZ) = 32 > > Max number of active applications (MAXAPPLS) = AUTOMATIC > Average number of active applications (AVG_APPLS) = AUTOMATIC > Max DB files open per application (MAXFILOP) = 64 > > Log file size (4KB) (LOGFILSIZ) = 4096 > Number of primary log files (LOGPRIMARY) = 6 > Number of secondary log files (LOGSECOND) = 14 > Changed path to log files (NEWLOGPATH) = > Path to log files = / > db2simsdata/logs/NODE0000/ > Overflow log path (OVERFLOWLOGPATH) = > Mirror log path (MIRRORLOGPATH) = > First active log file = > S0000243.LOG > Block log on disk full (BLK_LOG_DSK_FUL) = NO > Percent max primary log space by transaction (MAX_LOG) = 0 > Num. of active log files for 1 active UOW(NUM_LOG_SPAN) = 0 > > Group commit count (MINCOMMIT) = 1 > Percent log file reclaimed before soft chckpt (SOFTMAX) = 520 > Log retain for recovery enabled (LOGRETAIN) = OFF > User exit for logging enabled (USEREXIT) = OFF > > HADR database role = STANDARD > HADR local host name (HADR_LOCAL_HOST) = > HADR local service name (HADR_LOCAL_SVC) = > HADR remote host name (HADR_REMOTE_HOST) = > HADR remote service name (HADR_REMOTE_SVC) = > HADR instance name of remote server (HADR_REMOTE_INST) = > HADR timeout value (HADR_TIMEOUT) = 120 > HADR log write synchronization mode (HADR_SYNCMODE) = ASYNC > > First log archive method (LOGARCHMETH1) = DISK:/ > db2simsdata/archive/ > Options for logarchmeth1 (LOGARCHOPT1) = > Second log archive method (LOGARCHMETH2) = OFF > Options for logarchmeth2 (LOGARCHOPT2) = > Failover log archive path (FAILARCHPATH) = > Number of log archive retries on error (NUMARCHRETRY) = 5 > Log archive retry Delay (secs) (ARCHRETRYDELAY) = 20 > Vendor options (VENDOROPT) = > > Auto restart enabled (AUTORESTART) = ON > Index re-creation time and redo index build (INDEXREC) = SYSTEM > (RESTART) > Log pages during index build (LOGINDEXBUILD) = OFF > Default number of loadrec sessions (DFT_LOADREC_SES) = 1 > Number of database backups to retain (NUM_DB_BACKUPS) = 12 > Recovery history retention (days) (REC_HIS_RETENTN) = 366 > > TSM management class (TSM_MGMTCLASS) = > TSM node name (TSM_NODENAME) = > TSM owner (TSM_OWNER) = > TSM password (TSM_PASSWORD) = > > Automatic maintenance (AUTO_MAINT) = ON > Automatic database backup (AUTO_DB_BACKUP) = OFF > Automatic table maintenance (AUTO_TBL_MAINT) = ON > Automatic runstats (AUTO_RUNSTATS) = ON > Automatic statistics profiling (AUTO_STATS_PROF) = OFF > Automatic profile updates (AUTO_PROF_UPD) = OFF > Automatic reorganization (AUTO_REORG) = OFF Hello Richard, I hope you're enjoying it so far :-) I don't have a conclusive answer ready, but let's give it a try. Did you check the STMM logs? They're in ~/sqllib/db2dump/stmmlog. That might give you a clue for which heap DB2 is short on memory. Another useful tool for memory information is "db2pd - mempools" and "db2pd -mempools -db ${DB}". Hope these are of use to you. -- Frederik Engelen RealDolmen
From: Helmut Tessarek on 19 May 2010 17:29 Hi Richard, > Being relatively new to DB2, I'm not certain what it's indicating. I > presume that the STMM wants more memory for some component. Is it a > internal DB2 param that's preventing it, or is it the O/S that's > unable to provide? It seems that you don't have enough physical resources. What is the output of ulimit -a (running as db2sims)? Please also check the stmmlog as suggested by Frederik. -- Helmut K. C. Tessarek DB2 Performance and Development /* Thou shalt not follow the NULL pointer for chaos and madness await thee at its end. */
From: The Boss on 20 May 2010 07:44 On May 19, 4:34 pm, Richard <rmcgor...(a)> wrote: > We're running DB2 V9.1.0.4 on AIX 5.3. We're receiving this message > in db2diag.log. > > 2010-05-19- I1089667A438 LEVEL: Warning > PID : 2125870 TID : 1 PROC : db2stmm > (DB_SIMS) 0 > INSTANCE: db2sims NODE : 000 DB : > DB_SIMS > APPHDL : 0-1359 APPID: > *LOCAL.DB2.100519110813 > AUTHID : DB2SIMS > FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, Self tuning memory manager, > stmmEnforceMinSizeConstraints, probe:2156 > MESSAGE : Unable to find donor to satisfy minSize > constraint > > Being relatively new to DB2, I'm not certain what it's indicating. I > presume that the STMM wants more memory for some component. Is it a > internal DB2 param that's preventing it, or is it the O/S that's > unable to provide? > > Here's my DBM and DB CFG > In addition to the suggestions made by Frederik and Helmut: Add a "show detail" option to your commands to gather DBM and DB CFG. This will give more details, more specifically it will show the calculated values for most of the 'AUTOMATIC' parms. Be aware that "show detail" requires an Instance attachment in case of the DBM CFG and a Database connection in case of the DB CFG: db2 attacht to <your_instance> resp. db2 connect to <your_database> HTH. -- Jeroen
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