From: AAaron123 on 13 Nov 2009 09:30 Build gives me the message that it is unable to find locationpicker So I searched everywhere for locationpicker and got the following. Can you see what is wrong? I removed some of the folders to make it easier to read. Thanks Find all "locationpicker", Subfolders, Keep modified files open, Find Results 2, "Entire Solution", "*.*" \Events\EventsEdit.aspx(7):<%@ Register TagPrefix="lp" TagName="Location" Src="LocationPicker.ascx" %> \Events\EventsEdit.aspx(45): <lp:Location ID="LocationPicker1" runat="server" LocationID='<%# Bind("location")%>' /> \Events\EventsEdit.aspx(87): <lp:Location ID="LocationPicker1" runat="server" LocationID='<%# Bind("location")%>' /> \Events\EventsEdit.aspx.vb(24): Dim lp As ASP.LocationPicker = CType(FormView1.FindControl("LocationPicker1"), ASP.LocationPicker) \Events\LocationPicker.ascx(1):<%@ Control Language="VB" ClassName="LocationPicker" %> Matching lines: 5 Matching files: 3 Total files searched: 194
From: AAaron123 on 13 Nov 2009 10:29 I should have add that with Debug/Start Without Debugging it runs OK. > Build gives me the message that it is unable to find locationpicker > > So I searched everywhere for locationpicker and got the following. > > Can you see what is wrong? > I removed some of the folders names below to make it easier to read. > > Thanks > > Find all "locationpicker", Subfolders, Keep modified files open, Find > Results 2, "Entire Solution", "*.*" > > \Events\EventsEdit.aspx(7):<%@ Register TagPrefix="lp" TagName="Location" > Src="LocationPicker.ascx" %> > > \Events\EventsEdit.aspx(45): <lp:Location ID="LocationPicker1" > runat="server" LocationID='<%# Bind("location")%>' /> > > \Events\EventsEdit.aspx(87): <lp:Location ID="LocationPicker1" > runat="server" LocationID='<%# Bind("location")%>' /> > > \Events\EventsEdit.aspx.vb(24): Dim lp As ASP.LocationPicker = > CType(FormView1.FindControl("LocationPicker1"), ASP.LocationPicker) > > \Events\LocationPicker.ascx(1):<%@ Control Language="VB" > ClassName="LocationPicker" %> > > Matching lines: 5 Matching files: 3 Total files searched: 194 > > >
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