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From: -ART- on 4 Aug 2010 18:27 This book is important because it collects together so much of the history of the mental confusion, or even derangements, known as socialism. United in hate does something very difficult, it tries to penetrate the ‘mind’ of socialism. It attempts to understand just why socialists are so irrational and out of touch with the real world. Now, reading minds is not a possibility for human beings. The best you have is the confused communication from human to human. This objective is bad enough in normal circumstances with approximately sane people. Trying to do that with people as confused as socialists must inevitably be a heroic task, a task that traces back to the work of Freud and others. Glazov repeatedly makes the case that guilt and inadequacy are major psychological drivers in these murderous and suicidal death cults. In these cults, the adherents sublimate their self-destructiveness in a cause that seeks, not only destruction of others, but also expresses their own death wish. In fact, I think Jamie Glazov misses a central issue of people involved in cults such as socialism and jihadi islam: the desperate need to be ‘important’, the need to be ‘taken seriously’, to belong. One of Glasov’s main examples is Chomsky - a typical example of a failed would- be scientist seeking fame by any means possible because he cannot adjust to his own ‘ordinariness’. Here are some examples: p. 177 “As outlined earlier, the collapse of the Soviet Empire in 1989-91 robbed the Western Left of its central source of hope and object of veneration. Then came 9/11. Believers, who longed to worship a tyrannical enemy of their native society, looked upon this appalling catastrophe as a gift. Just as the progressives had found new totalitarian models to worship throughout the twentieth century, from Stalin's Russia to Mao's China to the Sandanistas' Nicaragua, so they now discovered a new death cult through which they could express their destructive urges.” — p. 179 “This is a long tradition of the Left: progressives have always assumed that they understand the world much better than the people for whom they purport to speak. In terms of the terror war, there exists an obvious and profound racism in the believer's disposition, since the implication is that Muslims and Arabs are not bright enough to understand their own circumstances, and therefore their explanations of their own actions cannot be taken seriously. “So while the likes of bin Laden and Moussaoui may insist that the holy jihad is motivated by the desire to spread sharia throughout the world, to erase individual freedom, and to kill, convert, or subjugate infidels, the Western leftist is constrained to rationalize that they are saying such things only because they have been hurt by capitalism and American imperialism....” — p. 180 “ ....Contrary to the believer's vision, militant Islam finds its breeding ground in economic prosperity and Westernisation - just as the socialist Left itself has never drawn its strength from actual poor people, but rather from intellectuals and other members of the privileged class that benefits most from capitalism and freedom...” — p.207 “...This is why so many leftist feminists, like Dworkin herself, de- feminize and de-beautify themselves as a social statement. Thus, the concept of women having their femininity submerged and forcibly covered under an adversarial despotic regime is utopian. By contrast, the reality of women enjoying their own physical beauty and feeling and being empowered by it is anathema - at least as bad as anything the Taliban might do. Journalist Jill Nelson personifies this mentality. Writing about the Islamic riots that followed the Miss World pageant in Nigeria, she commented on MSNBC's Web site: "It's equally disrespectful and abusive to have women prancing around a stage in bathing suits for cash or walking the streets shrouded in burqas in order to survive." Hymowitz reflects on this world view: "The utopian is less interested in freeing women to make their own choices than in engineering and imposing her own elite vision of a perfect society.” The book is highly recommended and an excellent basic source. Terror/dp/1935071602/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1280352242&sr=1-1 -- -ART- |