From: Baduk Baduk on
Is it possible to 'upgrade' a normal socket to an SSL socket. I would
like to transmit and receive some data in plain text initially, before
performing the SSL handshake and start communicating securely, without
having to close and create a new socket.

Does anyone have an example of this, preferably the more complete the
better =)

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From: Roger Pack on
> Is it possible to 'upgrade' a normal socket to an SSL socket. I would
> like to transmit and receive some data in plain text initially, before
> performing the SSL handshake and start communicating securely, without
> having to close and create a new socket.

I think you can do it with eventmachine, since you call start_tls
whenever you want. not sure about normal sockets, maybe there's a
constructor to SSLSocket that takes a descriptor so you can pass
descriptors about?
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From: Brian Candler on
Baduk Baduk wrote:
> Is it possible to 'upgrade' a normal socket to an SSL socket. I would
> like to transmit and receive some data in plain text initially, before
> performing the SSL handshake and start communicating securely, without
> having to close and create a new socket.
> Does anyone have an example of this, preferably the more complete the
> better =)

There's a complete working example of this in ruby-ldapserver, see
lib/ldap/server/connection.rb. The core is:

def startssl # :yields:
@mutex.synchronize do
raise LDAP::ResultError::OperationsError if @ssl or
@active_reqs.size > 0
yield if block_given?
@io =, @opt[:ssl_ctx])
@io.sync_close = true
@ssl = true
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