From: My Gu My on
qI deploy windows xp with sp2 use MDT 2010. I set MachineObjectOU propertie
at CustomSettings.ini. Our OU is Chinese. So I set the value like
But the join domain task didn't work. I try english OU, everything is ok.
And I found the when deployment is completed, the MachineObjectOU propertie
was set to "OU=01璁$畻鏈?OU=MDT娴嬭瘯,OU=XXEmail,DC=sh,DC=corp,DC=xxemail,DC=com"
in c:\sysperp\sysprep.inf file. It's all unreadable code. Is anybody know the
MDT 2010 support double byte characters? Thanks.
BTW, I try English/Chinese Windows AIK and English/Chinese Windows XP. All
didn't work :(