From: E Thomson on
I want to have a UI button up that just says something like 'STOP' and when they press it it causes the program to exit a for loop.

For a silly example:

for i=1:100

if stop_pressed
end %if


end %for loop


Any ideas?
From: Matt Fig on
A quick and dirty example, all in one M-File:

function [] = stoploopgui()
S.fh = figure('menubar','none',...
'pos',[400 400 100 50]);
S.pb = uicontrol('string','stop',...
'position',[10 10 80 30]);
S.pb(2) = uicontrol('visible','off');
n = 1;

for ii = 1:inf
if ~ishandle(S.pb(2))
n = n + 1;

function [] = pb_call(varargin)
% Callback for pushbutton


Note that if your loop is *fast* you could check ishandle and drawnow only every 200th or so iteration using mod. This would allow way more iterations of the loop for the same time elapsed.
From: ImageAnalyst on
What I do is have a checkbox on my GUI that says "Finish now" and at
the end of my loop I check its value. If the user checked it, I break
out of the loop. The user is still able to check it despite them
entering a loop by, say, clicking a pushbutton. Then when you exit
the function, you clear the checkbox of course. You need to make sure
the checkbox is cleared (unchecked) before you begin the loop of
course. Sometimes I'll hide the checkbox until the loop begins, when
I show it. Then I hide it again when I leave the function with the
loop, so that it's only visible to the user while the loop is going.
From: E Thomson on
Mike: many thanks that looks perfect I'll hack away at this from work tomorrow!
From: E Thomson on
Again, thanks.

I include here a copy of your function, with some comments to explain it for anyone who might be curious (and for myself).

In particular, I'm not sure what the 'drawnow' line does. I looked up the doc, and don't quite get it.

I added a couple of things (e.g., now when you push the button it is closed, there is a slight pause in each loop, the function returns n, and displays n each loop).

function n = stoploopgui2()

S.fh = figure('menubar','none',...
'pos',[400 400 100 50]);

%Push button/handle
S.pb = uicontrol('string','stop',...
'position',[10 10 80 30]);

%Creates arbitrary invisible ui/handle to check/delete
S.pb(2) = uicontrol('visible','off');

n = 1;
for ii = 1:9000

if ~ishandle(S.pb(2))
end %if ~ishandle

drawnow; %not sure what this does

n = n + 1;
end %for loop

disp(['Ended after ' num2str(n) ' loops.'])

function [] = pb_call(varargin)
% Callback for pushbutton
delete(S.pb(2)) %removes the invisible GUI
close hidden %Closes open button windows
end %subfunction pb_call

end %function stoploopgui