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From: Freddy on 9 Jul 2010 12:30 Hi All, Can anybody pls help me to create a user in solaris/hp-ux with the following conditions, with out using RBAC or SUDO . 1 .User cannot change his passwd 2. The passwd never expires Thank You, Regards, Freddy.
From: Andrew Gabriel on 9 Jul 2010 14:10 In article <765d437c-fe66-40d4-b483-2d67195fdc86(a)>, Freddy <hclranjith(a)> writes: > Hi All, > > Can anybody pls help me to create a user in solaris/hp-ux with the > following conditions, with out using RBAC or SUDO . > > 1 .User cannot change his passwd > 2. The passwd never expires man passwd tells you how to do this. -- Andrew Gabriel [email address is not usable -- followup in the newsgroup]
From: Freddy on 9 Jul 2010 16:08 On Jul 9, 11:10 pm, and...(a) (Andrew Gabriel) wrote: > In article <765d437c-fe66-40d4-b483-2d67195fd...(a)>, > Freddy <hclranj...(a)> writes: > > > Hi All, > > > Can anybody pls help me to create a user in solaris/hp-ux with the > > following conditions, with out using RBAC or SUDO . > > > 1 .User cannot change his passwd > > 2. The passwd never expires > > man passwd tells you how to do this. > > -- > Andrew Gabriel > [email address is not usable -- followup in the newsgroup] Hi Mr.Gabriel, Thanks for ur immediate response ...but I tried the command passwd -x -1 <username> and its enough for the second condition but how to meet the first condition....??? Thanks Freddy.
From: Harry on 10 Jul 2010 13:51 Freddy wrote... [...] >> A01 .User cannot change his passwd >> A02. The passwd never expires >but how to meet the first condition....??? [...] Why do you need this ? I could see anyonance on user's perspective; and security issue on sysadmin's perspective.
From: Andrew Gabriel on 10 Jul 2010 14:22
In article <bq2_n.10294$0A5.3801(a)newsfe22.iad>, harryooopotter(a)hotmail.co_ (Harry) writes: > Freddy wrote... > [...] >>> A01 .User cannot change his passwd >>> A02. The passwd never expires > >>but how to meet the first condition....??? > [...] > > Why do you need this ? > > I could see anyonance on user's perspective; > and security issue on sysadmin's perspective. I can't think why you'd want to do this either, but as I said before, it tells you exactly how to do it on the man page. I even worked somewhere which used it too. They also forced everyone to change their password monthly. They thought they were so secure. Of course, everyone's current passwd will be some varient of July2010 at the moment, but people who write security policies usually seem to have a remarkably little understanding of the subject. -- Andrew Gabriel [email address is not usable -- followup in the newsgroup] |