From: Sysu on 1 Mar 2010 10:59 PC Games installed only w/Admin. privies, but want to play them as Standard user. Some games I install using my Admin acct. show up on my Standard user desktop to play and some don't. Why? How can I install as Admin. and play as Standard? I noticed the one that does show up for both accounts has a website for "Game Downloads". Could this be it? It even has a popup window telling me I am a standard user and to connect to the internet to use other features. Now, this is what worries me. I don't want to play any of the games I install from disc via my Admins privie acct, but as standard user. Is there any way to sort of merge the two so that the desktop "items"/options(games) are not so dramatically different? The Standard user is the only one that surfs the internet. The Admin. Acct. ONLY Windows/Microsoft Update.
From: Terry R. on 1 Mar 2010 11:10 On 3/1/2010 7:59 AM On a whim, Sysu pounded out on the keyboard > PC Games installed only w/Admin. privies, but want to play them as Standard > user. > > Some games I install using my Admin acct. show up on my Standard user > desktop to play and some don't. Why? How can I install as Admin. and play > as Standard? > > I noticed the one that does show up for both accounts has a website for > "Game Downloads". Could this be it? It even has a popup window telling me I > am a standard user and to connect to the internet to use other features. > Now, this is what worries me. I don't want to play any of the games I install > from disc via my Admins privie acct, but as standard user. > > > > Is there any way to sort of merge the two so that the desktop > "items"/options(games) are not so dramatically different? > > The Standard user is the only one that surfs the internet. The Admin. Acct. > ONLY Windows/Microsoft Update. Have you tried right clicking on the shortcut and use, "Run as..."? Then type in a user and password with Admin rights. Terry R. -- Anti-spam measures are included in my email address. Delete NOSPAM from the email address after clicking Reply.
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