From: Brendan on 28 Oct 2006 10:35 I'm having trouble tring to get the contents of a file draged from Explorer to my app. I was wondering what I'm doing wrong, here's what I have //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma hdrstop #define DEBUG #include <windows.h> #include <objidl.h> #include <shlobj.h> class MyDropTarget : public IDropTarget{ public: // IUnknown implementation HRESULT __stdcall QueryInterface (REFIID iid, void ** ppvObject); ULONG __stdcall AddRef (void); ULONG __stdcall Release (void); // IDropTarget implementation HRESULT __stdcall DragEnter(IDataObject * pDataObject, DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, DWORD * pdwEffect); HRESULT __stdcall DragOver(DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, DWORD * pdwEffect); HRESULT __stdcall DragLeave(void); HRESULT __stdcall Drop(IDataObject * pDataObject, DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, DWORD * pdwEffect); // Constructor MyDropTarget(HWND hwnd); private: // internal helper function DWORD DropEffect(DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, DWORD dwAllowed); bool QueryDataObject(IDataObject *pDataObject); // Private member variables long refCount; HWND hWnd; bool AllowDrop; short FileContentsFormat; short FileDescriptorFormat; // Other internal window members } ; #include "debug.h" void EnumFormats(IDataObject *DataObject){ IEnumFORMATETC * enumObj; FORMATETC frmt; DataObject->EnumFormatEtc(DATADIR_GET,&enumObj); while (enumObj->Next(1,&frmt,NULL) == S_OK){ char * Name = new char[300]; GetClipboardFormatName(frmt.cfFormat,Name,300); Debug_Msg(Name); } } void DropData(HWND hWnd, IDataObject *DataObject, short FileDescriptorFormat, short FileContentsFormat) { Debug_Func(); // construct a FORMATETC object FORMATETC frmtEtc = {FileDescriptorFormat, 0, DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, TYMED_HGLOBAL}; STGMEDIUM stgMed; // See if the dataobject contains any TEXT stored as a HGLOBAL if(DataObject->QueryGetData(&frmtEtc) == S_OK) { // Yippie! the data is there, so go get it! DataObject->GetData(&frmtEtc, &stgMed); if(DataObject->GetData(&frmtEtc, &stgMed) == S_OK) { Debug_Func(); // we asked for the data as a HGLOBAL, so access it appropriately FILEGROUPDESCRIPTOR * data = (FILEGROUPDESCRIPTOR *)GlobalLock(stgMed.hGlobal); Debug_Msg((ULONG)data); Debug_Msg( data->cItems); FILEDESCRIPTOR * files = data->fgd; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data->cItems;++i){ Debug_Msg(files[i].cFileName); } //SetWindowText(hWnd, (char *)data); //GlobalUnlock(stgMed.hGlobal); // release the data using the COM API ReleaseStgMedium(&stgMed); } } } void RegisterDropWindow(HWND hWnd, MyDropTarget **DropTarget) { Debug_Func(); HRESULT Result; *DropTarget = new MyDropTarget(hWnd); // acquire a strong lock CoLockObjectExternal(*DropTarget, TRUE, FALSE); // tell OLE that the window is a drop target RegisterDragDrop(hWnd, *DropTarget); } void UnregisterDropWindow(HWND hWnd, IDropTarget *DropTarget) { Debug_Func(); // remove drag+drop RevokeDragDrop(hWnd); // remove the strong lock CoLockObjectExternal(DropTarget, FALSE, TRUE); // release our own reference DropTarget->Release(); } //---------------- Class Implementation ------------------------------ // // Constructor for the CDropTarget class // MyDropTarget::MyDropTarget(HWND hwnd) { Debug_Func(); refCount = 1; hWnd = hwnd; AllowDrop = false; FileContentsFormat = RegisterClipboardFormat(CFSTR_FILECONTENTS ); FileDescriptorFormat = RegisterClipboardFormat(CFSTR_FILEDESCRIPTOR ); } ULONG __stdcall MyDropTarget::AddRef(){ return InterlockedIncrement(&refCount); } // // IUnknown::Release // ULONG __stdcall MyDropTarget::Release(){ LONG count = InterlockedDecrement(&refCount); if(count == 0){ delete this; return 0; } else return count; } // // IUnknown::QueryInterface // HRESULT __stdcall MyDropTarget::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void **object){ Debug_Func(); if(iid == IID_IDropTarget || iid == IID_IUnknown){ AddRef(); *object = this; return S_OK; } *object = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; } // // QueryDataObject private helper routine // bool MyDropTarget::QueryDataObject(IDataObject *pDataObject) { Debug_Func(); FORMATETC FrmtEtc = {FileDescriptorFormat, 0, DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, TYMED_ISTREAM }; //EnumFormats(pDataObject); HRESULT result = pDataObject->QueryGetData(&FrmtEtc); return true; // does the data object support FILEDESCRIPTOR using a HGLOBAL? return pDataObject->QueryGetData(&FrmtEtc) == S_OK ? true : false; } // // DropEffect private helper routine // DWORD MyDropTarget::DropEffect(DWORD KeyState, POINTL point, DWORD Allowed) { Debug_Func(); DWORD Effect = 0; // 1. check "pt" -> do we allow a drop at the specified coordinates? // 2. work out that the drop-effect should be based on grfKeyState if(KeyState & MK_CONTROL) Effect = Allowed & DROPEFFECT_COPY; else if(KeyState & MK_SHIFT) Effect = Allowed & DROPEFFECT_MOVE; // 3. no key-modifiers were specified (or drop effect not allowed), so // base the effect on those allowed by the dropsource if(Effect == 0) { if(Allowed & DROPEFFECT_COPY) Effect = DROPEFFECT_COPY; if(Allowed & DROPEFFECT_MOVE) Effect = DROPEFFECT_MOVE; } return Effect; } // // IDropTarget::DragEnter // // // HRESULT __stdcall MyDropTarget::DragEnter(IDataObject * DataObject, DWORD KeyState, POINTL point, DWORD * Effect) { Debug_Func(); // does the dataobject contain data we want? AllowDrop = QueryDataObject(DataObject); if(AllowDrop) { // get the dropeffect based on keyboard state
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