From: rfrenz on 5 Oct 2006 14:18 (This post regards compiling and linking to the FFTW library on Windows. Apologies if this is off-topic here.) I'm attempting to link an application to the FFTW .lib and .dll. I can build and run a raw c++ sample application perfectly, as follows: // testapp.cpp #include "fftw3.h" int main() { const unsigned int INPUT_SIZE 100; double* input = (double*)fftw_malloc(sizeof(double)*INPUT_SIZE); fftw_complex* output = (fftw_complex*)fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * INPUT_SIZE); fftw_plan plan = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d(INPUT_SIZE, input, output, FFTW_ESTIMATE | FFTW_UNALIGNED); for (unsigned int ir = 0; ir != N; ++ir) // fill input vector fftw_execute(plan); fftw_destroy_plan(plan); fftw_free(input); fftw_free(output); } build & link: cl.exe /c testapp.cpp link.exe /OUT:testapp.exe libfftw3-3.lib testapp.obj However, when I move the application to the .NET CLR (that is, compile with /clr), the app crashes with a System.TypeLoadException: Unhandled Exception: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type fftw_plan_s from assembly qpFFT, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null. at main() Note that this is the same exact code. The only exception is adding '/clr' to the compile options. Is anyone familiar with using FFTW in a managed setting? I'd rather just use the first example, but, unfortunately, I'm trying to integrate it into an application that makes heavy use of the managed extensions. Thanks, Ryan
From: rfrenz on 5 Oct 2006 14:29 rfr...(a) wrote: > (This post regards compiling and linking to the FFTW library on > Windows. Apologies if this is off-topic here.) > Murphy's law....found it about 1 min after I posted this...some kind of versioning issue with new MS compilers:
From: rfrenz on 5 Oct 2006 14:29 rfr...(a) wrote: > (This post regards compiling and linking to the FFTW library on > Windows. Apologies if this is off-topic here.) > Murphy's law....found it about 1 min after I posted this...some kind of versioning issue with new MS compilers:
From: rfrenz on 5 Oct 2006 14:31 rfr...(a) wrote: > (This post regards compiling and linking to the FFTW library on > Windows. Apologies if this is off-topic here.) > Murphy's law....found it about 1 min after I posted this...some kind of versioning issue with new MS compilers:
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