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From: Boby Pa on 1 Jun 2010 12:50 Hi guys, I use the function "fetch" the download price data of individual securities using the Datafeed Toolbox. At the moment I use the Bloomberg Tickers to identify the securities whose prices I need. I.e. my code looks like: BBGConnectionObj = bloomberg; d = {fetch(BBGConnectionObj,data_map,'HISTORY','PX_LAST','01/01/2009','01/01/2010','din','EUR')}; where data_map is a cellarray of strings that contains the Bloomberg Tickers of the securities. How should I modify this function so that I can use the Bloomberg field "ID_BB_SEC_NUM" instead of the Bloomberg tickers? I think that the solution is to use the field 'Ident' of the fetch function, which comes after the 'Currency' field. (see the help text for bloomberg.fetch). Also, probably a new line should be added to the table "bbsectype" in the file 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2008b\toolbox\datafeed\datafeed\@bloomberg\bbfields.mat'... If I am right, could you advise which the new argument of the function fetch() is, and which new line should be added to bbsectype? Thanks!
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