Volpet Table Diff - Feedback Needed Hi all, I have developed a database comparison program, Table Diff, and I would like to ask for feedback, if you have time. Table Diff runs on Windows, and allows comparing and synchronizing the data stored in two SQL Server database tables. You can download a 30-day fully functional trial from my website h... 6 Jan 2010 08:28
SSIS Connection... Hello I'm building an SSIS package from home to be deployed at an office. The package is a simple Access to SQL Server migration. I was building the SSIS package on a local machine which also housed the Access file. I decided to open the SSIS package from my laptop. Both the laptop and the workstation ... 4 Jan 2010 09:12
query that doesn`t work - incorrect syntax near the keyword group Hello! I wrote a sql query I want to run in MS SQL Server: I got the errror "Incorrect syntax near the keyword GROUP, and I don`t know what generetes this error message:( Here is the query: SELECT tw_Symbol_final tw_Symbol_ost, SUM(ilosc2007) ilosc2007_final, (SUM(ilosc2008)/SUM(ilosc2007))*100 procent2... 23 Dec 2009 13:37
Help with date Hi: Please, is there any way to summarize this sql command below to show me only one data per day ? Actually it´s show me 24 data ( one per hour): SELECT TOP 10000 Nodes.Caption AS NodeName, APM_AlertsAndReportsData.ComponentName AS Component_Name, APM_ResponseTime.StatisticData AS StatisticsData, APM_Res... 21 Dec 2009 18:02
String Manipulation: REPLACE multiple variables at once through a Join: How to Thanks everyone for the the replies. The SELECT statement that Hugo showed looks terrific, and I would really like to use it, except for the concerns raised in the KB article. The article is not worded very clearly. However, when I read that article, it appears that the "undefined" concern applies _only_ in the... 19 Dec 2009 00:54
String Manipulation: REPLACE multiple variables at once through a Join: How to On Thu, 17 Dec 2009 17:32:12 -0800 (PST), bill wrote: I want to convert this sample string: "Some like <X> better than <Y>. I like <Y> better than <X>, but my daughter prefers <X>." To this one: "Some like cats better than dogs. I like dogs better than cats, but my daughter prefers cats." Thus, ... 18 Dec 2009 06:07
indexes and constraints Hi. I am inserting data into 3 tables. Before I insert, I am dropping some of the constrains. After inserting the data I added dropped constrains back .Most of the constraints that I added I did not specify WITH CHECK or WITH NOCHECK.5 Of them I used WITH NOCKECK.My question is how would this adding and dropping... 15 Dec 2009 22:14
Distinct Column Level Output Hi, I have a table having values like below : col1,col2,col3,col4 a, b, c, d a, b, c, e a, b, c, f I need the output as follows : a, b, c, d, e, f can anyone, Please help me in this, How can i do that ? Thanks. With Regards, Raja. ... 14 Dec 2009 10:58
Number generator Over the last couple of days, I have tried lots of ways to generate sequential numbers within a user defined function, including a stored proc to compute the next number and a function to return it. (I need this ability as part of a larger scientific package, and it needs to be a function). I get errors simil... 12 Dec 2009 15:38
Business Intelligence on Mobile devices The Yellowfin BI team have produced a new paper on "Business Intelligence on Mobile devices". Anonymous Download Link Here http://yellowfin.com.au/Document.i4?DocumentId=99556 * No signup or email handover required Extract With the advent of the mobile phone a fundamental shift occurred in telecommunic... 8 Dec 2009 07:30 |