From: David Young on
It's not clear why you need each result saved in a different variable. Why not use an array? - it's much simpler. It sounds like a struct array would be right, though a cell array would be another possibility. There is very good documentation for these, so I won't give examples here.
From: Bruno Luong on
% Put your data as cell

C = {Cx, Cy, Cz, Cl, Cm, Cn}
for Ci=C
% do domething with Ci{1}

% OR in struct
names = {'Cx' 'Cy' 'Cz' 'Cl' 'Cm' 'Cn'}
S = struct('name', names, 'data', {Cx, Cy, Cz, Cl, Cm, Cn})
for Si = S
% do something with

% Or in containers.Map
names = {'Cx' 'Cy' 'Cz' 'Cl' 'Cm' 'Cn'};
data = {Cx, Cy, Cz, Cl, Cm, Cn};
c = containers.Map(names,data)
for key=names
ci = c(key{1});
% do something with ci

% Bruno