From: Valeriy on
> %the following uses a nested function to share variables
> PlotHandle = plot(rand(10,1));
> Xd = get(PlotHandle,'XData');
> Yd = get(PlotHandle,'YData');
> PointNum = 1;
> MarkHandle = line(Xd(PointNum), Yd(PointNum), '+');
> set(gcf, 'KeyPressFcn', {@MyKeyFcn});
> function MyKeyFcn(src, event)
> switch event.Key
> case {'uparrow', 'rightarrow'}:
> if PointNum < length(Xd); PointNum = PointNum + 1; end
> case {'downarrow', 'leftarrow'};
> if PointNum > 1; PointNum = PointNum - 1; end
> end
> set(MarkHandle, 'XData', Xd(PointNum), 'YData', Yd(PointNum));
> %then do whatever needed to "read" the data point to you
> end
> end
Thank you for this information. Could you give idea how to pass information about selected PointNum to calling function? I have tested different ways (declaring global variable, using handle structure), but it did not works, perhaps by my weak knowledge of corresponding methods.