From: Ashgard on

Suppose I got a simple class with just one function (a gain):

>> classdef myclass
>> methods
>> function y = test(obj,u)
>> y = 5*u;
>> end
>> end
>> end

In matlab I type
>> m=myclass

Now I want to use this in Simulink. I can use it in a gain as, eg, m.test(2). But I want to use it in a embedded matlab code as:

>> function y = fcn(m,u)
>> y = m.test(u);

Ive already set in the explorer that input 1 (m) is a parameter that is nontuneable. However, it does work as I get this error:

ERROR: MATLAB class 'myclass' found at 'm' is unsupported.

Does someone knows how I can solve this?

Thanks in advance.