From: Scott on 8 Jun 2010 08:30 I am investigating whether or not MATLAB can be used to develop real time graphing of data. I have found a way to utilize the timer object to plot data on an axes and I have gotten it to work as planned, however, I am having two issues. 1. The plot has to be able to run continuously, and when I run it for long period of times, it appears as if a JAVA runtime error occurs, locking MATLAB up. Is this related to the use of JAVA elsewhere, perhaps on the internet? Has anyone else had this problem? 2. When I try to run multiple instances of the plot I receive an error for both instances stating that there was an error evaluating the TimerFcn for the timer of each figure, "invalid object handle". This only occurs when attempting to run multiple instances. I can run 2 separate functions which utilize the timer function, and this appears to not be an issue. Is it possible to run multiple instances of the same function if it uses the timer object? If so how? If not, how can I create a script which will not allow a second instance of a function to run if one is already open?
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