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From: Lil Red Riding In The Hood on 27 Feb 2010 20:19 I have an array of cells that all rely on a "Y" or "N" value in another cell, and an IF statement to either make the data appear or not appear. It works fine, except that when the data appears and fill, the borders pop up fine. Some of them, however refuse to disappear the same way the data does, yet others do just fine. This includes cell color formatting, which I am able to make stay or go. I just seem to have a problem with some cell retaining persistent border, which go away completely if I remove them, but that isn't what I want. I want them to behave just like the cells do where the border does disappear along with the data. I just cannot figure out why I have some picky cell formats, and cannot figure out what to do to kill it. I know this isn't a function, but it is the product of one. My disappear code is like: IF(C5="Y",H5,"")
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