Binary stream '0' does not contain a valid BinaryHeader Hi all, This is my first post on this forum. I really hope someone on here can help me, I've been trying to fix this for over a month now, with no success, and posts on Microsoft forums have gone unanswered. I am trying to serialize a generic object (which is marked as serializable, of course) to a Base64... 5 Sep 2009 14:18
filling datagridview with excel file data Hello all, I have the following code to fill the datagridview with excel sheet data MyConnection = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data source=" & filePath & ";Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=NO;'") MyConnection.Open() Dim schemaTable As ... 4 Sep 2009 08:44
How can I unbind a GridView? Thanks dotNetDave wrote: I'm pretty sure you can just do this: DataGrid1.DataSource = Nothing DataGrid1.DataBind() David ====================================== David McCarter [Microsoft MVP] David McCarter''''s .NET Coding Standards available at: http://cod... 3 Sep 2009 05:21
How to figure out the domain user? Hi all of you, I was wondering how can I figure out the domain username logged in my application. I remember that when I run Access I had System() function which returned the name of the domain user. Thanks in advance and regards, -- This code and information are provided "as is" without warranty of any k... 4 Feb 2009 18:02
Error message regarding TableAdapter is not a member of .... Hello, I am having trouble running my Visual Basic.Net. 2008 I just don't know what I did, below is the error message: 'Audit_InventoryTableAdapter' is not a member of 'WindowsAuditInventorySystem.AIMSDataSetTableAdapters.TableAdapterManager'. When I try to run start the debugging F5 I get this dialog bo... 13 Jan 2009 22:02
Padding spaces to string Hi How can I pad spaces to the right of a string so it always ends up with a fixed given length? Thanks Regards ... 13 Jan 2009 12:36
Richtextbox to Image Hi, I have one pictruebox on which there is richtexbox. When i print the picturebox it is not showing richtextbox in print. It seems that printing richtextbox needs some more code to be added. Is there any way by which i can convert richtextbox to image or bitmap, so that i can print that? Regards, Mansi S... 11 Jan 2009 14:39
FAXCOMEXLIB VS 2008 issue I one issue and one question. Problem- I am writing a fax server program on a Vista machine with VS 2008. I compile the program and then install it on a Windows server 2003. I run the program and get a "Unable to cast COM" error. I'm guessing that this is due to the diffrence between the Vista FSXCOMEX.dll and t... 8 Jan 2009 10:00
SQL error on SQLDMO Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {10020300-E260-11CF-AE68-00AA004A34D5} failed due to the following error: 8007045a. We are using SQLDMO dll in our application to load the database .while referring we are getting the above Errror.Please any one help me resolve this issue. From 2 Jan 2009 06:13
Format textbox to 3 decimal point. How do I format the textbox to 3 decimal point all the time? Regards, Tee ... 8 Oct 2008 04:45 |