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From: PeterP on 26 May 2005 10:39 I want to do an install onto another computer over the network - this script is throwing up an eror saying I don't have permissions to access the IP specified in the script. I am therefore wanting to connect as the network admin, or local admin of that PC - how do I do this?? So far it is bumming out here Set oSvcRemote = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & ip & "\root\cimv2", _ admin_user, admin_user_password) don't know if this is the correct way to do it?? Cheers ears ___________________________________ admin_user = "domain\someone" admin_user_password = "something" 'ipFile = path to list of hosts ipFile = "C:\scripts\installmsas\list.txt" 'execPath = path to executable file execPath = "C:\scripts\installmsas\msantispy.msi" 'execCommand = command to execute, including path, switches, etc execCommand = "msiexec.exe /i c:\msantispy.msi /qn INSTALLDIR=c:\MSAS\" execCommand2 = "C:\msas\gcasDtServ.exe /regserver" 'fileName = filename of executable fileName = "msantispy.msi" 'pathToLog = path to the logfile pathToLog = "C:\scripts\installmsas\install_log.txt" On Error Resume Next Set oNet = CreateObject("WScript.Network") Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set oSvcLocal = GetObject("winmgmts:root\cimv2") Set oIPFile = oFS.OpenTextFile(ipFile, 1, false) Set oOutputFile = oFS.CreateTextFile(pathToLog, TRUE) If (Err.Number <> 0) Then WScript.Echo "Cannot open " & ipFile WScript.Quit End If While Not oIPFile.atEndOfStream ip = oipFile.ReadLine() oOutputFile.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Connecting to " & ip & "... ") WScript.Echo vbCrLf & "Connecting to " & ip & "... " Err.Clear Set oSvcRemote = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & ip & "\root\cimv2", _ admin_user, admin_user_password) If (Err.Number <> 0) Then oOutputFile.WriteLine("Failed to connect to " & ip & "." & vbCrlf & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description) WScript.Echo "Failed to connect to " & ip & "." & vbCrlf & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description Else oNet.RemoveNetworkDrive "J:" oNet.MapNetworkDrive "J:", "\\" & ip & "\C$" ' copy msas file to remote pc Set oSourceFile = oSvcLocal.Get("cim_datafile=""" & replace(execPath, "\", "\\") & """") returnCode = oSourceFile.Copy("J:\\" & fileName) If (returnCode <> 0 and returnCode <> 10) Then ' Failure detected and failure was not "file already exists." oOutputFile.WriteLine("Failed copy " & fileName & " to " & ip & " - Error Code: " & returnCode) WScript.Echo "Failed copy " & fileName & " to " & ip & " - Error Code: " & returnCode oNet.RemoveNetworkDrive "J:" Else oOutputFile.WriteLine(fileName & " copied to " & ip) WScript.Echo fileName & " copied to " & ip Set oProcess = oSvcRemote.Get("win32_process") returnCode = oProcess.Create(replace(execCommand, "\", "\\")) If (returnCode <> 0) Then oOutputFile.WriteLine("Failed to start install on " & ip & " Error Code: " & returnCode) WScript.Echo "Failed to start install on " & ip & " Error Code: " & returnCode oNet.RemoveNetworkDrive "J:" Else Set oDestFile = oSvcLocal.Get("cim_datafile=""J:\\" & fileName & """") 'Wait for the installation to complete. For waitTime = 0 To 120 ' Lay and wait--up to two minutes for the installation to complete. WScript.Sleep 10000 ' Sleep 'Delete temporary file as soon as possible after it is freed. If (oDestFile.Delete() = 0) Then Exit For End If Next ' Otherwise, loop again and keep waiting... oOutputFile.WriteLine("Installation successful on " & ip & ".") WScript.Echo "Installation successful on " & ip & "." End If 'Create process succeeded. 'now register server returnCode = oProcess.Create(replace(execCommand2, "\", "\\")) If (returnCode <> 0) Then oOutputFile.WriteLine("Failed to register server on " & ip & " Error Code: " & returnCode) WScript.Echo "Failed to register server on " & ip & " Error Code: " & returnCode Else oOutputFile.WriteLine("Registration successful on " & ip & ".") WScript.Echo "Registration successful on " & ip & "." End If End If End If WEnd oOutputFile.Close
From: "Michael Harris (MVP)" <mikhar at mvps dot on 27 May 2005 00:13
PeterP wrote: > I want to do an install onto another computer over the network - this > script is throwing up an eror saying I don't have permissions to > access the IP specified in the script. > > I am therefore wanting to connect as the network admin, or local > admin of that PC - how do I do this?? > > So far it is bumming out here > > Set oSvcRemote = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & ip & "\root\cimv2", _ > admin_user, admin_user_password) > > don't know if this is the correct way to do it?? SWbemLocator.ConnectServer (9 Parameters) method [WMI] Connecting to WMI on a Remote Computer [WMI] Google Search*.scripting Google Search: connectserver -- Michael Harris Microsoft MVP Scripting -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Please ask follow-up questions via the original newsgroup thread. |