From: Jason on
I was using SBS 2008.

To fix the problem I removed the Terminal Services Gateway Role, rebooted
then re-installed the role. During the installation of the Gateway role you
will be prompted with some options. I chose to allow access to all machines
on the network and also added domain users in the allowed list. Everything's
working fine now.


"Signal" wrote:

> I am having the same error. Is this recent problem as I don't see many posts
> on this error code?
> All suggestions welcome!
From: Signal on
Somtimes, things are so simple that we forget to look at the obvious....

Worked for me too, same set up.

"Jason" wrote:

> I was using SBS 2008.
> To fix the problem I removed the Terminal Services Gateway Role, rebooted
> then re-installed the role. During the installation of the Gateway role you
> will be prompted with some options. I chose to allow access to all machines
> on the network and also added domain users in the allowed list. Everything's
> working fine now.
> Jason
> "Signal" wrote:
> > I am having the same error. Is this recent problem as I don't see many posts
> > on this error code?
> >
> > All suggestions welcome!
From: "Robbin Meng [MSFT]" on


Sorry for not responding earlier. I was on vacation and just come back today.

Thanks a lot for your attention and the great sharing on this issue. Oscar, have you tried Jason's work round and does it fix your issue?

Thanks for your time and efforts.

Best regards,
Robbin Meng(MSFT)
Microsoft Online Newsgroup Support

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