From: baitaversion on
>sivaram1 wrote:
>> Hi Anybody is using vectorcast for Unit testing, I would like to
>> about the pros and cons of Vectorcast tool.
>Not used. Seen demos. Bought and used by others at my company around
>2002 sometime. At that time it prooved to have the problem I saw at the
>demo but noone would listen to. Setting up testcases was done using a
>gui in which you had to click around for everything. No chace to copy
>paste things or do any scripting. So as unit tests became more
>complicated people started avioding it and used handmade test drivers
>and gcov instead.
>Please note that this was 5-7 years ago and if they are still on the
>market the product must have changed, but be warned.
IN the 8 years since this person used VectorCAST, the product has been
updated significantly and is being sold worldwide. It is by far the most
automated tool on the market for C, C++ and Ada. Tool has full copy and
paste capability and scripting.

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