From: Linq Adams via on
I'd have to agree with Tom! A big part of the reason to use Access for
database development is the speed with which it can be created, using bound
forms. Several developers I know, experienced in Visual Basic database
development and Access development, estimate that development using unbound
forms by ***experienced*** developers takes twice as long as it does when
using Access and bound forms.

The belief that unbound forms are necessary in order to do data validation is
simply not true!

If you insist on using unbound forms, you'd be far better off using a
straight VB or C++ front end with a SQL Server or Oracle back end.

You can create an EXE file which gives total protection to your code/design

You can distribute the db to PCs without a copy of Access being on board

Your data security if far, far better than anything you can do in Access

There's ALWAYS more than one way to skin a cat!

Answers/posts based on Access 2000/2003

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