From: Chris on
In article <510a8afa-c62c-4e99-84b4-f882e24ccfd7>, underh20.scubadiving(a) says...
> Our Solaris 10 server is running Veritas Storage Foundation for
> Oracle 4.1 We notice that a lot of kernel memory has disappeared for
> no reason and it's impacting our Websphere application. Is it
> necessary to upgrade to the latest MP2 to resolve the issue ?
> Please advise. Thanks, Bill

Hey Bill.

VxVM 4.1mp2 is a backport of many features of 5.0's DMP.
4.1mp2 was released a long time ago, so you really need to start
patching things.

I would recommend that you at least try vxvm 41mp2rp5 and latest vxfs
4.1mp2RP. There will never be a 4.1mp3. If your Oracle/Webspere versions
allow, upgrading to 5.0 or the latest SF 5.1 will also bring improved
performance. The downside of 5.0 and 5.1 is that older versions of
Oracle are dropped. Read the VRTS release notes before committing to the
SF5.1 upgrade.

If you are running 4.1GA, you are asking for trouble. Support people
will be unhappy to even look at a performance problem on that patch

Short answer..Yes

Spend some time downloading patches from:
