From: Ruska R on
> I have not yet figured this out. Anybody who has used matlab for vornoi areas before, please feel free to chime in.

Hi Dave!
I have the same problem, and I think that I found (partial) solution.

If variables x and y define the vertex pairs, try with the code:
[c, f] = voronoin ([x, y]);
af = zeros (size(f));
for i = 1 : length (f)
af(i) = polyarea (c (f {i, :}, 1), c (f {i, :}, 2));

[v , c] = voronoin(sdata);
for i = 1 : size(c ,1)
ind = c{i}';
tess_area(i,1) = polyarea( v(ind,1) , v(ind,2) );

But in both cases you will face the problem what if some Voronoi tiles are unbounded. For that problem, I haven't found solution yet.