From: Hannes on
To develop a kernel driver that needs to work for both XP, Vista and Win7, we
compile it using the XP compiler environment. We use the 7600 WDK.

But why is there no x64 environment for XP ??

-Are there no XP 64-bit machines out there?
-Should we compile under Vista x64 instead?


/ Hannes.
From: Hannes on
Turns out there never was such a build environment. Seems other compile for
Server 2003 x86/x64 instead, in order to run on multile OSes.


/ Hannes.
From: Maxim S. Shatskih on
> But why is there no x64 environment for XP ??

XP x64 is the same platform as 2003 x64, so, use 2003 x64 build env - which is, actually, the oldest x64 build env.

Maxim S. Shatskih
Windows DDK MVP