From: Thomas on
sorry I have already post this topic but in bad subject :$

==> message :

it's my first post in microsoft newsgroup and Im french....

I am developping an application which can take photos from a webcam with WIA
and send it to a ftp.
but I saw one big bug => all photos taken from webcam have been saved to
svchost become big => more than 100mo if I let the program run
I don't know how to release memory
I have tried to release memory :
item = video.Device.ExecuteCommand(WIA.CommandID.wiaCommandDeleteAllItems);
and to capture some image :
item =

imagefile = item.Transfer(WIA.FormatID.wiaFormatBMP) as
imagefile.SaveFile("./" + bmpf);
imagefile = null;
item as WIA.Item
imagefile as WIA.ImageFile
video as AxWIA.AxVideoPreview

I hope you able to help me

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