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From: cmgitsupport on 23 May 2008 16:08 I am having a difficult time getting any alerts to work at all. I have tried several installations and all experience the same issue regarding alerts. When I try to add an alert for a user, the processing never appears to complete although the alert is added in the database, but no alert message is sent. When an alert is generated due to a change or creation of an item, the Immediate Alerts job timer shows "Initialized" at 0% progress and stays that way. The alert event is transferred from the EventCache table to the EventLog table, but is never sent. I have enabled trace logging and the last event related to the process shows as follows: 05/23/2008 14:30:58.70 OWSTIMER.EXE (0x0710) 0x07DC Windows SharePoint Services Database 880m Verbose SqlCommand: 'dbo.proc_getObjectsByClass' CommandType: StoredProcedure CommandTimeout: 0 Parameter: '@RETURN_VALUE' Type: Int Size: 0 Direction: ReturnValue Value: '' Parameter: '@ClassId' Type: UniqueIdentifier Size: 0 Direction: Input Value: '8d8b6e93-d1e7-449a-a522-c35cbce1ba63' Parameter: '@ParentId' Type: UniqueIdentifier Size: 0 Direction: Input Value: '49c33628-fd2f-430b-b6e0-7a3b05c9c83e' Parameter: '@Name' Type: NVarChar Size: 128 Direction: Input Value: 'SPAlertTemplateType.Announcements' An attempt is not even made to access the SMTP server as no entry in it's logging is created. The Immediate Alerts will stay in this hung state until I reset the status in the Sharepoint_Config database TimerRunningJobs table and remove rows from a couple of tables in the Content database. I have even set up the service account with Administrator level privileges to try and remove any permissions issues. It is probably something easy that I am overlooking, but I cannot for the life of me figure it out. |