From: George Kerby on

On 6/25/10 5:07 AM, in article
"sobriquet" <dohduhdah(a)> wrote:

> On 25 jun, 09:10, rfisc...(a) (Ray Fischer) wrote:
>> sobriquet �<dohduh...(a)> wrote:
>>> rfisc...(a) (Ray Fischer) wrote:
>>>> Stealing isn't a human right, thief.
>>> Sharing information is a human right,
>> That's a lie, thief.
> nazi cockroach.


From: Ray Fischer on
sobriquet <dohduhdah(a)> wrote:
>On 25 jun, 09:10, rfisc...(a) (Ray Fischer) wrote:
>> sobriquet �<dohduh...(a)> wrote:
>> > rfisc...(a) (Ray Fischer) wrote:
>> >> Stealing isn't a human right, thief.
>> >Sharing information is a human right,
>> That's a lie, thief.
>A fact,

The screechings of a liar and thief are worthless.

>> >Check article 19 of the UDHR that concerns the expression and
>> >imparting of information:
>> >
>> That refers to OPINIONS and EXPRESSION, thief. �Did you even read it?
>Here.. let me express some information for you: 010111010100000

And did anybody stop you, thief?

>See.. now that's exactly the same as people who express information

That doesn't even make sense, thief.

Ray Fischer

From: sobriquet on
On 26 jun, 09:49, rfisc...(a) (Ray Fischer) wrote:
[.. babbling ..]

Ray Fischer the nazi cockroach just won't shut up and crawl back under
his rock.
From: George Kerby on

On 6/26/10 11:20 AM, in article
"sobriquet" <dohduhdah(a)> wrote:

> On 26 jun, 09:49, rfisc...(a) (Ray Fischer) wrote:
> [.. babbling ..]
> nazi cockroach


From: sid on
Savageduck wrote:

> Sid
> This had great potential, but it appears over sharpen to me, and there
> seems to be some noise or sharpening artifacts in the blue of the sky.
> With those issues fixed this would have been in the superior category.

Thanks to you, Robert Spanjaard and Paul Furman for your constructive
criticism,you have all pointed to the fact I should pay more attention when
processing an image :) I hadn't noticed the speckles in the blue sky or the
purple fringing, mainly because I didn't look closely enough.
Based on the above here is a better version

RLU 300284