From: Here In Oregon on

"Philip Cody" >> Apollonia Kotero.
> A truly fine, fine . . . thespian.
> Great set of . . . skills!

Skill set,... why yes.

Prince and Apollonia ride up to this lake and they get off of his Honda
motorcycle and he says if you will jump into Lake Minnetonka I will agree to
help you with your singing career. She says do I have to and he says yes.
So she gets naked and jumps into this really cold lake in winter and jumps
out just as fast screaming.

She puts her clothes on really fast and runs up to him and while shuddering
asks him so will you now help me out with my singing career and he says that
wasn't Lake Minnetonka.

Now why do you think I remember this scene. Scroll down for answer.


I own two Honda motorcycles?

From: Ouroboros Rex on
Philip Cody wrote:
> On Sat 19 Dec 2009 12:41:04p Here In Oregon posted:
>> For all of the smart people who are Treksters, Trekkies, or whatever
>> you call them, the new Star Trek movie is fantastic. They go back to
>> the original 60's characters and the likeness of the original cast
>> is stunning to say the least. Everything from the speech patterns,
>> dialect, mannerisms and even the way they sit are employed.

I particularly dug that Kirk was a fuckup.

Remeber in the original series how whenever someone from Kirk's youger
days would meet him, they were all knowing grins and "you old devil" and the
like? All this time we figured he had been a famous ladies' man, but no -
now we know he was a famous fuckup!

This meme changes a WHOLE lot of dialogue in those original episodes. =)

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