From: richard.townsendrose on

Ok, so i have the sample:

remember that i want to POST some data from my VO app to my PHP script
on the web server.

In this case it is

If you try this link in a browser, you will receive a message from the
php script as follows:
The form you are trying to use is invalid
The required control information is missing

because you didn't post anything from a form.

The [VO generated] form that we use at the moment includes data like
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="doctype" VALUE="TDOC EDI Technical Document">
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="movtype" VALUE="Acknowledgement">

that is the Variable Name, and the Variable Value being sent to the

It is something like THIS that i want to "POST" from a VO app to a php

so where in the sample is this ? or may be i am still not explaining
myself correctly

I think that what you are doing is POSTING data INTO a form that is
sitting on the web server, whereas what I want to do is to post data
into the SCRIPT.. as if it had come from a form.

but i am not sure ....


From: John Martens on

Try someting like this in VO:

cFormInfo := 'Info='+CrLf
cFormInfo += '<MY_INFO>'+CrLf
FOR dwNr := 1 UPTO 10
cFormInfo += '<'+aI[dwNr,1]+'>'+aI[dwNr,2]+'</'+aI[dwNr,1]+'>'+CrLf
cFormInfo += '</MY_INFO>'+CrLf

oHttpTennishulp := CHttp{"XML data"}
cPage :=

In PHP you can get the Info content like this:
$VoInfo = $_POST["Info"];


Op 11-4-2010 10:36, richard.townsendrose schreef:
> Norbert
> Ok, so i have the sample:
> remember that i want to POST some data from my VO app to my PHP script
> on the web server.
> In this case it is
> If you try this link in a browser, you will receive a message from the
> php script as follows:
> The form you are trying to use is invalid
> The required control information is missing
> because you didn't post anything from a form.
> The [VO generated] form that we use at the moment includes data like
> this:
> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="doctype" VALUE="TDOC EDI Technical Document">
> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="movtype" VALUE="Acknowledgement">
> that is the Variable Name, and the Variable Value being sent to the
> script
> It is something like THIS that i want to "POST" from a VO app to a php
> script
> so where in the sample is this ? or may be i am still not explaining
> myself correctly
> I think that what you are doing is POSTING data INTO a form that is
> sitting on the web server, whereas what I want to do is to post data
> into the SCRIPT.. as if it had come from a form.
> but i am not sure ....
> richard
From: Norbert Kolb on
Hallo Richard,

this sample is a little bit old. Check your mail. I send you a newer one.


From: richard.townsendrose on

wow o wow - it WORKS ... thanks very much.

so guys we can now VERY SIMPLY use a VO app to POST data up to a
script [in my case a php one] running on a web server, and get back
some information...

just a bit to go now .... have to work thru the sample and see how to
get a file to upload .... so now we have bypassed microsoft and for
example we can develop web based email ....

then of course the last difficult bit [for me] - get a progress bar
for monitoring the http file upload ... if geoff can do it for an ftp
upload i am sure that it is possible.

From: richard.townsendrose on

will have a look at your way as well ...

but Norbert's code is very easy as well, and very well suited to
picking up stuff from our arays of data ...


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