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From: JLatham on 7 Mar 2010 07:58 I think Gord Dibben has given a good explanation of what " " means, and why you should most often use "" instead <g> (which I agree with). The ! is a separator character between a sheet name and a cell range. Such as: =Sheet1!A5 says to echo the contents of cell A5 on Sheet1. and =SUM('Another Sheet'!A6:A10) says to perform the SUM function on cells A6:A10 on a sheet named Another Sheet. In this case, because there is a space in the other sheet's name, you have to enclose the sheet name in the single quote marks as shown. Hope this helps. "Jane" wrote: > When working in excel and doing my labs, I am often told to use " " in my > formulas but I don't know what " " stand for and the ! is also used, can > someone explain to me what " " and ! mean? |