From: Pekka Kumpulainen on 8 Mar 2010 05:13 I was waiting for the batch license file generation for TAH license finally. Doesn't seem to be possible yet. Unfortunately the VPN bug in windows hasn't been fixed either. Or fortunately. Now we don't need to make those 150 license files for this version either. Back to 2009a.
From: Francis Burton on 8 Mar 2010 06:56 In article <hn2c1j$m8i$1(a)>, ? yvind <oyvist(a)> wrote: >OK, this is slightly rambling, and just touches on my two main >objections to the GUI system in Matlab. > >I have little programming experience beyound Matlab, but my general >impression when I look around is that other programming environments >have simply much more advanced capabilities than Matlab, without >compromising ease of use. (My one time trying NetBeans I made a >beautiful GUI in 10 minutes starting from scratch with no previous >experience, and not understanding java. GUIs made by GUIDE always come >out ugly and awkward-looking. Also, it is difficult to get a uniform >'look' across GUIs that belong together--border sizes, button sizes, >etc.) I program in Delphi (Object Pascal) and the 'GUI builder' that is part of the IDE has a very solid feel with very few surprises. So, for example, if I select a control and fine adjust its position by pressing keys, each step is the same (a screen pixel). In GUIDE, the movements appear inconsistent and 'jumpy'. I have no idea why this is, but it *feels* fragile. The property editor feels more responsive somehow too; in contrast, MATLAB's feels 'clunky'. >[...] >I prefer a more object-oriented approach to the current >set/get-interface. You can get this by using java or the 'handle' >function, but this is awkward, and the 'handle' function is undocumented >and can be changed in future versions. Having properties get and set with a simple syntax like RadioButton1.String = 'Push me' would be wonderful. I still get grief from passing data around inside and between GUIs, even there are so many alternative ways of doing it. My main gripe is having to ensure that 'handles' is included as a function argument whenever UI controls need to be accessed. It would be nice if they had file (or user-settable) scope. TBH, my ideal programming environment would be the Delphi IDE with VCL-like controls, but with MATLAB's array syntax and access to all the wonderful stuff that MATLAB can do in one or two lines. Francis
From: Øyvind on 8 Mar 2010 07:25 fburton(a) (Francis Burton) wrote in message <1268049371.9660(a)>... > Having properties get and set with a simple syntax like > > RadioButton1.String = 'Push me' > > would be wonderful. You can actually get this by using the undocumented function 'handle' on the graphics handle, like this: >> RadioButton1 = handle(RadioButton1); Then you have dot-syntax for setting and getting properties, and also tab-completion. Unfortunately it doesn't work recursively down through a hierarchy of handles, so that e.g. axes.Children returns numerical handles, even though 'axes' has been operated on by 'handle'. Also, undocumeted features like this may suddenly stop working in future versions--no warning. > I still get grief from passing data around inside and between > GUIs, even there are so many alternative ways of doing it. My > main gripe is having to ensure that 'handles' is included as a > function argument whenever UI controls need to be accessed. It > would be nice if they had file (or user-settable) scope. The way I make GUIs, I use GUIDE for the layout (although I've tried coding by hand quite a few times), then convert the fig-file to matlab-code using e.g. Then implement the callbacks using nested functions. It is also possible to just load the fig-file inside the m-file and then implement the callbacks. On no account would I let GUIDE generate the callbacks for me! You just need to look at the mlint report for GUIDE-generated files--they are absolutely littered with warnings.
From: Lars on 10 Mar 2010 19:16 "Øyvind " <oyvist(a)> wrote in message <hmqm1a$cnv$1(a)>... > Thanks. Quickly scanned the release notes, and there seem to be mostly minor changes. > > Absolutely dreadfully disappointed (as usual) that there is no update to the GUI system. I need to start looking around for something other than Matlab, but the task of learning a new language and porting my project is extremely daunting... > > Aargh. Couldn't agree more, but our focus is on the general graphics rather than the GUI: - No native full-color (i.e. one colormap per figure), although there are quite useful FEX contributions. - Ticklabels without much flexibility at all, and a plethora of FEX submissions to help out. - Colorbar that is rather difficult to customise (same for legend, I am told), too much going on under the hood because it tries but dos not manage to be intelligent. - the new BOXPLOT ticklabels are a veritable nightmare to customise, because they are not actually ticklabels but some text object hidden deep (deep!!) down in the BOXPLOT handle graphics tree, but with strings (listeners) attached that tries to outsmart you by restoring whatever changes. Maybe useful behaviour if one only wants a quicks, straight and simple boxplot, but for anything else, well I say no more .... The BOXPLOT (mis-)behaviour is fairly new, but for the other things I have for a long time been putting in suggestions/requests through various channels, but to absolutely no effect. Thus, since about a year we have begun moving most our serious and more demanding plotting tasks to other software. Lars
From: Eric Diaz on 16 Mar 2010 16:54
Hi Doug, Still can't get multiple lines of text on a static guide text object. I tried using a cell array of strings (actually using the java example in cell help & using the more difficult cellstr function) in the static text create function but it doesn't work. % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function StaticImagePushButton_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to StaticImagePushButton (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called Method #1 strArray = java_array('java.lang.String', 2); strArray(1) = java.lang.String('Load'); strArray(2) = java.lang.String('Static Image'); cellArray = cell(strArray); set(hObject,'min',0,'max',2,'string',cellArray); Method #2 strArray = ['Load ';'Static Images']; cellArray = cellstr(strArray); set(hObject,'min',0,'max',2,'string',cellArray); I looked at your uibutton gui but it doesn't really seem intuitive with respect to its usage within guide. I think that TMW should really fix this functionality. Eric Diaz |