From: Spin on

What's the default database administrator username in the Oracle 10g world?
For MS SQL Server it is "SA". But someone told me for Oracle it was
actually several names, including one called "SYS". Is that true?


From: sybrandb on
On Thu, 6 Nov 2008 16:56:22 -0500, "Spin" <Spin(a)> wrote:

>What's the default database administrator username in the Oracle 10g world?
>For MS SQL Server it is "SA". But someone told me for Oracle it was
>actually several names, including one called "SYS". Is that true?

Please read the 2 Day DBA manual online at

The Oracle architecture is 100 percent from world most known toy
database sqlserver.

Sybrand Bakker
Senior Oracle DBA
From: Mark D Powell on
On Nov 6, 4:56 pm, "Spin" <S...(a)> wrote:
> Gurus,
> What's the default database administrator username in the Oracle 10g world?
> For MS SQL Server it is "SA".  But someone told me for Oracle it was
> actually several names, including one called "SYS".  Is that true?
> --
> Spin

Yes, the internal owner of the rdbms base tables is user SYS. Every
user who connects as SYSDBA is user SYS. The user SYS should only be
used to start and stop the database, run upgrades, recovery, and to
apply Oracle provided packages and scripts that are designated to be
ran by user SYS such as catalog, catproc, optional script
cataudit.sql, and several of the utl_ scripts.

Oracle also provides the user SYSTEM plus several special purpose
usernames like SYSMAN for the EM Admin, DBSNMP OEM agent, CTXSYS
Oracle text owner, etc ....

The usernames Oracle provides are documented in the manuals.

HTH -- Mark D Powell --
From: Spin on
Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)