From: Jochen Schulz on
Brian Ryans:
> Quoting Jochen Schulz on 2010-08-05 04:27:26:
>> BTW, you can monitor lifetime writes with recent kernels for each
>> filesystem separately:
>> $ sudo tune2fs -l /dev/mapper/manowar-home-crypt | grep ^Lifet
>> Lifetime writes: 785 GB
>> This filesystem is almost exactly 13 months old and I think more than
>> half of the writes on my system go there. The rest is mostly package
>> upgrades (I am running sid).
> Do you know what kernel exactly is required?

Sorry, no. I usually run current sid and compile vanilla kernels from
Linus' git. This is supported by upstream since at least July 2009, so I
guess 2.6.30 or 2.6.31 should be enough. But I cannot find any
references regarding that.

What I just found out, though, is that the X25m apparently reports host
writes as S.M.A.R.T. attribute 225:

$ sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | grep ^225
225 Host_Writes_Count 0x0000 200 200 000 Old_age Offline - 53426

The raw value multiplied by 32MB is supposed to be the total amount of
data written to the device during its total lifetime. That's about
1,700GB for me which appears to be plausible (and only 4% of the writes
Intel reports as minimum lifetime writes).

If politics is the blind leading the blind, entertainment is the fucked-
up leading the hypnotised.
[Agree] [Disagree]
From: Andrei Popescu on
On Vi, 06 aug 10, 21:14:21, Jochen Schulz wrote:
> What about boot time? My laptop (Thinkpad X200) boots up in less than
> ten senconds (boot manager to GDM).

Are you using anything special besides the (now default) parallel boot?
I'm thinking about readahead or similar stuff.

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:
From: Jochen Schulz on
[Re-posted to the list]

Andrei Popescu:
> On Vi, 06 aug 10, 21:14:21, Jochen Schulz wrote:
>> What about boot time? My laptop (Thinkpad X200) boots up in less than
>> ten senconds (boot manager to GDM).
> Are you using anything special besides the (now default) parallel boot?
> I'm thinking about readahead or similar stuff.

No, just the current defaults in sid. What services are started can be
seen here (vertical lines drawn each second):

Total boot time is about 30-35 seconds, depending on how fast I enter my
disk encryption + login passwords. For chart rendering, I have
temporarily disabled my encrypted /home.

I don't use any of the big desktop environments, just plain awesome (the
window manager). But that isn't included in the chart anyway.

BTW, I tried slim instead of gdm, but I found it to be a little bit on
the buggy side and IIRC it lacks a few features I like (don't remember

I feel yawning hollowness whilst talking to people at parties.
[Agree] [Disagree]
From: Celejar on
On Tue, 10 Aug 2010 00:47:02 +0200
Jochen Schulz <ml(a)> wrote:


> Total boot time is about 30-35 seconds, depending on how fast I enter my
> disk encryption + login passwords. For chart rendering, I have
> temporarily disabled my encrypted /home.

When I switched over to full-disk encryption, I decided that I didn't
really need two passwords, and I ditched the login password by using
rungetty with the --autologin option.

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From: Jörg-Volker Peetz on
Did you enable the 'discard' mount option on your ext4 file system (see
kernel-/Documentation/filesystems/ext4.txt) in order to make usage of
the TRIM-ability of the SSD?
Best regards,

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