From: Paul Randall on
I've seen a number of interesting scripts that use wshAPIToolkit. Could
someone post a current URL for obtaining it?

-Paul Randall

From: Fosco on
"Paul Randall"
> I've seen a number of interesting scripts that use wshAPIToolkit.
> Could someone post a current URL for obtaining it?


From: Paul Randall on
Thanks you, Fosco.
Have you tried all the demo scripts? I tried
ChangeSystemCursor_DBDlgDemo1.vbs, and it is not working as I expected.
I did this, to successfully register the 'take 7' version:
C:\...\wshAPIToolkitObjOCX_Take7>regsvr32 wshAPIToolkitObject.ocx
I then ran the change cursor demo. The cursor changed to an hourglass
immediately when I clicked the OK button on the 'Are you ready?' message
box. I expected the cursor to revert to the arrow immediately upon clicking
the OK button of the 'Read to restore cursor' message box. The cursor
remains an hourglass. Also, while the timer for the dialog box was running,
the clicking the exit button had no effect although the dialog says clicking
it should close the dialog box.

Running the demo a second time restores the normal cursor when the OK button
is clicked on the 'Are you ready?' message box. Again, clicking on the
dialog box's exit button had no effect.

Do you think this means the OCX is defective or incompatible with my WXP SP2
system, or is the demo script defective? Or maybe the API changed?

Thanks for any help you can give me.

-Paul Randall

"Fosco" <fake(a)fake.invalid> wrote in message
> "Paul Randall"
>> I've seen a number of interesting scripts that use wshAPIToolkit.
>> Could someone post a current URL for obtaining it?
> --
> Fosco

From: Fosco on
"Paul Randall"
> Thanks you, Fosco.
> Have you tried all the demo scripts? I tried
> Do you think this means the OCX is defective or incompatible with my WXP SP2
> system, or is the demo script defective? Or maybe the API changed?

Tested and works fine here on a Win98se


From: Fosco on
"Paul Randall"
>> Have you tried all the demo scripts? I tried
>> Do you think this means the OCX is defective or incompatible with my WXP SP2
>> system, or is the demo script defective? Or maybe the API changed?

> Tested and works fine here on a Win98se

Tested right now on a winXP pro sp2 and I have the same behavior
as you with the hourglass .. maybe it's unsupported on XP

PS :
Try also this activex page
