From: Virgil on
In article <4c1eb4dc$0$1027$afc38c87(a)>,
"Peter Webb" <webbfamily(a)> wrote:

> "Virgil" <Virgil(a)home.esc> wrote in message
> news:Virgil-22B7E6.14010020062010(a)
> > In article
> > <ccb88bb1-d8a6-4f04-bc6a-ca3346f7c8ad(a)>,
> > WM <mueckenh(a)> wrote:
> >
> >> On 20 Jun., 02:04, "Mike Terry"
> >> >
> >> > No, you're misunderstanding the meaning of computable.
> >> >
> >> > Hopefully you will be OK with the following definition:
> >> >
> >> > A real number r is computable if there is a TM (Turing machine)
> >> > T which given n as input, will produce as output
> >> > the n'th digit of r.
> >>
> >> Whatever might be the true meaning: The Turing machine need a finite
> >> definition. Therefore the computable number has a finite definition.
> >>
> >> There are only countable many finite definitions. And every diagonal
> >> of a defined Cantor list has also a finite definition.
> >
> > Cantor's argument does not require that any member of a list of reals be
> > computable beyond a finite number of decimal places, so enough of each
> > can be finitely defined for the proof to work.
> Exactly the same as mine.
> Cantor calculates the anti-diagonal to n places (for all n) using only the
> first n digits of the first n items. So do I.

Technically speaking,CANTOR'S anti-diagonal argument involves only
binary sequences, not real numbers at all, though the real number form
of the argument is almost always attributed to him.
From: Tim Little on
On 2010-06-21, Peter Webb <webbfamily(a)> wrote:
> No, I only need a finite algorithm which will calculate it to n
> decimal places with finite input.

You have previously stated that you can do this with "about three
lines of Java code".

Here's your Java method signature: int antidiagonalDigit(BigInteger n).

Here are the first twenty digits of the first twenty members of my


Now let's see your Java code.

If I then give you the first 10^100 list entries to 10^10 digits,
would the same code suffice? Would it have to be enlarged? How large
would it be if I required any digit up to the 10^100'th?

How large would it have to be if I asked for an algorihm that produces
*any* digit on request?

- Tim
From: Tim Little on
On 2010-06-21, Peter Webb <webbfamily(a)> wrote:
> Of course it is an algorithm.
> It accepts the first n digits of the first n terms on the list

That's where you can stop. An algorithm for a computable real accepts
as input *only* the desired precision. Nothing else.

Since you mentioned Java previously in the thread (and may understand
that better), you could think of it as follows:

public interface ComputableReal {
public int getDecimalDigit(BigInteger n);

If you can implement that interface with a finite self-contained
algorithm, it's a computable real. If you can't, it isn't. Note that
the interface has no signature for a method that takes "the first n
digits of the first n terms on the list". If you want list data,
you'll have to embed it within the implementation somehow.

- Tim
From: Tim Little on
On 2010-06-21, Peter Webb <webbfamily(a)> wrote:
> "Tim Little" <tim(a)> wrote in message
> I do understand that. But I don't actually ask for a "finite algorithm" in
> my proof, I only require that I am provided a purported list of all
> comptuable Reals.

Later in the proof, you claim that the antidiagonal real is
computable. In other words, that there exists a finite algorithm for
computing it.

> Yes, in practice, this means that each item is specified by a finite
> algorithm, but so what? I ask for a purported list of all computable Reals
> and show there is at least one missing.

At least one *what* missing? A real? Fine - Cantor's proof shows
that there is a missing real. What's that? You want the antidiagonal
to be a *computable* real? Well, then - you are required to show that
there always exists a finite algorithm to compute it, and that is not
present in Cantor's proof.

So your modified "proof" is either invalid, or you must include
significant amounts of material not present in Cantor's proof.

As is well-known to competent mathematicians and computer scientists,
no amount of material will make it valid, as the modified "theorem" is
simply false. It is *not true* that any list of computable reals has
a computable antidiagonal.

- Tim
From: Tim Little on
On 2010-06-21, Peter Webb <webbfamily(a)> wrote:
> Actually, he shows that any purported list of all Reals must miss at last
> one Real.
> *not* the same as being uncountable

Yes it is. Look up the definitions.

> witness the same argument applied to computable Reals.

Applying the same argument shows that any purported list of all
computable reals must miss at least one real. So?

>> Actually Cantor's original "diagonal" proof was based on the set of
>> all functions from the naturals to a two element set,
> No.

Yes, actually. There are many more modern reforumlations of Cantor's
diagonal construction, and you are likely confusing those with the
original. The more modern ones are more streamlined with the benefit
of hindsight.

That is why you were asked by one poster *exactly which* version of
Cantor's diagonal argument you are talking about. So far it seems to
be a strawman proof you invented yourself and are ascribing to Cantor.

- Tim