From: Zachar István on 22 May 2010 00:40 Dear Group, I have an ODE set, which I send in to NDSolve. It solve more-or-less correctly, but indicates a stiffness somewhere. As a matter of fact, I cannot rely on the InterpolatingFunction output, so I'm saving the actual datapoints via EvaluationMonitor (or StepMonitor). But the monitor stops when the stiffness is found, while the InterpolatingFunction goes on. Why does this happen? How can I collect ALL the datapoints from the integration, to produce a ListLinePlot identical to the Plot output? Any help would be appreciated. eq = { Derivative[1][A1][t] == -0.2*A1[t]^2 + 0.1*A2[t] + 20*A5[t] - 2*A1[t]*X[t], Derivative[1][A2][t] == -100.1*A2[t] + 2*A1[t]*X[t] + 0.1*A3[t]*Y[t], Derivative[1][A3][t] == 100*A2[t] - 100*A3[t] + 0.1*A4[t]*U[t] - 0.1*A3[t]*Y[t], Derivative[1][A4][t] == 100*A3[t] - 100*A4[t] + 0.1*A5[t]*Tp[t] - 0.1*A4[t]*U[t], Derivative[1][A5][t] == 0.1*A1[t]^2 + 100*A4[t] - 10*A5[t] - 0.1*A5[t]*Tp[t], Derivative[1][d][t] == X[t] + Y[t] + Z1[t] + Z2[t], Derivative[1][pV0][t] == 0.1*pV1[t]*R[t] - pV0[t]*V[t] + 2*pV5[t]*V[t], Derivative[1][pV1][t] == -0.1*pV1[t]*R[t] + pV0[t]*V[t] - pV1[t]*V[t], Derivative[1][pV2][t] == pV1[t]*V[t] - pV2[t]*V[t], Derivative[1][pV3][t] == pV2[t]*V[t] - pV3[t]*V[t], Derivative[1][pV4][t] == pV3[t]*V[t] - pV4[t]*V[t], Derivative[1][pV5][t] == pV4[t]*V[t] - pV5[t]*V[t], Derivative[1][pW0][t] == 0.1*pW1[t]*R[t] - pW0[t]*W[t] + 20*pW5[t]*W[t], Derivative[1][pW1][t] == -0.1*pW1[t]*R[t] + pW0[t]*W[t] - 10*pW1[t]*W[t], Derivative[1][pW2][t] == 10*pW1[t]*W[t] - 10*pW2[t]*W[t], Derivative[1][pW3][t] == 10*pW2[t]*W[t] - 10*pW3[t]*W[t], Derivative[1][pW4][t] == 10*pW3[t]*W[t] - 10*pW4[t]*W[t], Derivative[1][pW5][t] == 10*pW4[t]*W[t] - 10*pW5[t]*W[t], Derivative[1][R][t] == -0.1*pV1[t]*R[t] - 0.1*pW1[t]*R[t] + 0.1*T[t] - 10*R[t]*Ts[t] + pV0[t]*V[t] + pV1[t]*V[t] + pV2[t]*V[t] + pV3[t]*V[t] + pV4[t]*V[t] + pV5[t]*V[t] + pW0[t]*W[t] + 10*pW1[t]*W[t] + 10*pW2[t]*W[t] + 10*pW3[t]*W[t] + 10*pW4[t]*W[t] + 10*pW5[t]*W[t], Derivative[1][T][t] == -10.1*T[t] + 10*R[t]*Ts[t], Derivative[1][Tm][t] == 10*T[t], Derivative[1][Tp][t] == 100*A4[t] - 10*Tp[t] - 0.1*A5[t]*Tp[t], Derivative[1][Ts][t] == 0.1*T[t] + 10*Tp[t] - 10*R[t]*Ts[t], Derivative[1][U][t] == 100*A3[t] - 0.1*A4[t]*U[t] + 0.1*V[t] + 0.1*W[t] - 1.*U[t]*Z1[t] - 1.*U[t]*Z2[t], Derivative[1][V][t] == 0.1*pV1[t]*R[t] - 0.1*V[t] - pV0[t]*V[t] - pV1[t]*V[t] - pV2[t]*V[t] - pV3[t]*V[t] - pV4[t]*V[t] - pV5[t]*V[t] + 1.*U[t]*Z1[t], Derivative[1][W][t] == 0.1*pW1[t]*R[t] - 0.1*W[t] - pW0[t]*W[t] - 10*pW1[t]*W[t] - 10*pW2[t]*W[t] - 10*pW3[t]*W[t] - 10*pW4[t]*W[t] - 10*pW5[t]*W[t] + 1.*U[t]*Z2[t], Derivative[1][X][t] == 20 + 0.1*A2[t] - X[t] - 2*A1[t]*X[t], Derivative[1][Y][t] == 100*A2[t] - Y[t] - 0.1*A3[t]*Y[t], Derivative[1][Z1][t] == 10 + 0.1*V[t] - Z1[t] - 1.*U[t]*Z1[t], Derivative[1][Z2][t] == 10 + 0.1*W[t] - Z2[t] - 1.*U[t]*Z2[t], A1[0] == 5, A2[0] == 0, A3[0] == 0, A4[0] == 0, A5[0] == 0, d[0] == 0, pV0[0] == 1, pV1[0] == 0, pV2[0] == 0, pV3[0] == 0, pV4[0] == 0, pV5[0] == 0, pW0[0] == 0, pW1[0] == 0, pW2[0] == 0, pW3[0] == 0, pW4[0] == 0, pW5[0] == 0, R[0] == 0, T[0] == 0, Tm[0] == 50, Tp[0] == 0, Ts[0] == 0, U[0] == 0, V[0] == 0, W[0] == 0, X[0] == 0, Y[0] == 0, Z1[0] == 0, Z2[0] == 0}; all = {A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, d, pV0, pV1, pV2, pV3, pV4, pV5, pW0, pW1, pW2, pW3, pW4, pW5, R, T, Tm, Tp, Ts, U, V, W, X, Y, Z1, Z2}; time = 20; data = Reap[NDSolve[eq, all, {t, 0, time}, EvaluationMonitor :> Sow[Evaluate[{{t, pV0[t]}, {t, pW0[t]}}]], Method -> "ExplicitRungeKutta" ]] Transpose(a)First@Last(a)data; Plot[Evaluate[{pV0[t], pW0[t]} /. First(a)data], {t, 0, time}, ImageSize -> 500, Frame -> True, PlotRange -> {{0, time}, {0, 7}}, PlotRangePadding -> .5] ListLinePlot[Transpose(a)First@Last(a)data, ImageSize -> 500, Frame -> True, PlotRange -> {{0, time}, {0, 7}}, PlotRangePadding -> .5]
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