From: Spell Check Guy Spell Check on
Microsoft Word isn't correcting my grammar and spelling errors anymore. In
the past errors would be underlined as I typed. After I typed my document I
would click the Spelling/Grammar icon and Microsoft would review each error
individually and offer suggestions. Now, Microsoft doesn't recognize or
correct errors.

Example: I just opened Microsoft Word and typed, "I went ot theee store.
Twwo people arent insside my Washynton Dc hous. Why isnt Microsof Word
correcting thez erors? ".

Afterwards, I highlighted this text and clicked on the Spell/Grammar Check
icon as I normally do. Nothing is corrected, and I just receive a message
stating, "The spelling and grammar check is complete".
From: eileen on
I am having the same problem on one of my computers. Another computer that
has the exact same softward does not have the spell check prolem. Did anyone
figure out the problem? Do I reinstall.

"Spell Check Guy" wrote:

> Microsoft Word isn't correcting my grammar and spelling errors anymore. In
> the past errors would be underlined as I typed. After I typed my document I
> would click the Spelling/Grammar icon and Microsoft would review each error
> individually and offer suggestions. Now, Microsoft doesn't recognize or
> correct errors.
> Example: I just opened Microsoft Word and typed, "I went ot theee store.
> Twwo people arent insside my Washynton Dc hous. Why isnt Microsof Word
> correcting thez erors? ".
> Afterwards, I highlighted this text and clicked on the Spell/Grammar Check
> icon as I normally do. Nothing is corrected, and I just receive a message
> stating, "The spelling and grammar check is complete".
From: Suzanne S. Barnhill on
See for some
troubleshooting tips.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

"eileen" <eileen(a)> wrote in message
>I am having the same problem on one of my computers. Another computer that
> has the exact same softward does not have the spell check prolem. Did
> anyone
> figure out the problem? Do I reinstall.
> "Spell Check Guy" wrote:
>> Microsoft Word isn't correcting my grammar and spelling errors anymore.
>> In
>> the past errors would be underlined as I typed. After I typed my
>> document I
>> would click the Spelling/Grammar icon and Microsoft would review each
>> error
>> individually and offer suggestions. Now, Microsoft doesn't recognize or
>> correct errors.
>> Example: I just opened Microsoft Word and typed, "I went ot theee store.
>> Twwo people arent insside my Washynton Dc hous. Why isnt Microsof Word
>> correcting thez erors? ".
>> Afterwards, I highlighted this text and clicked on the Spell/Grammar
>> Check
>> icon as I normally do. Nothing is corrected, and I just receive a
>> message
>> stating, "The spelling and grammar check is complete".