From: Sandy Tipper on
I have two virtually identical Solaris 10 systems, george and ringo.
Why am I getting a hang almost every single time I try to use rcp?
As root on ringo, I try things like:
rcp /.profile george:/tmp/.profile
rcp george:/.profile /tmp/.profile
Which files are not important. Flag -p doesn't help.
Neither does prefixing 'root@' to the host name (didn't think it would).

Once in a rare while it seems to work. But mostly hangs indefinitely.
On the other hand, I can easily use rsh, for example I can do
rsh george 'cat /.profile'
or anything else with rsh.

I know the "r" commands are looked on with disfavor.
I am not looking for an alternate solution. I must understand why this
Do not explain to me why I should not use rcp. I know.
This is a deployment script in a classroom training environment,
in a private intranet, no security consideration.

I noticed it first using the 'system' command in perl 5.8.4,
but confirmed it over and over at a bash command line.

Thanks for any help ASAP. I'm a week behind in this project already.

I used to do this with no trouble on Solaris 8 and 9.
I am not as familiar with Solaris 10, but I am aware that
playing with /etc/inetd.conf is not good, and so I left it alone
and didn't mess with the service parameters
('svcprop rlogin' output at end of this msg)
Both systems listed in each other's hosts file.
Wide open rhosts permission: /.rhosts on both systems contain:
+ +
Ethernet mtu was 1500, but was suggested to try 8000 by editing
/kernel/drv/e1000g.conf, but didn't help much.
# ifconfig -a
lo0: flags=2001000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4,VIRTUAL> mtu 8232
index 1
inet netmask ff000000
e1000g0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 8106 index 2
inet netmask fffffe00 broadcast
ether 0:14:4f:ad:8a:f4
# uname -a
SunOS train44 5.10 Generic_141414-09 sun4v sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-T200
# svcprop rlogin
inetd/name astring login
inetd/proto astring tcp6
inetd/endpoint_type astring stream
inetd/isrpc boolean false
inetd/stability astring Evolving
inetd/wait boolean false
general/enabled boolean true
general/entity_stability astring Unstable
general/restarter fmri svc:/network/inetd:default
inetd_start/exec astring /usr/sbin/in.rlogind
inetd_start/group astring root
inetd_start/limit_privileges astring :default
inetd_start/privileges astring :default
inetd_start/project astring :default
inetd_start/resource_pool astring :default
inetd_start/supp_groups astring :default
inetd_start/timeout_seconds count 0
inetd_start/type astring method
inetd_start/use_profile boolean false
inetd_start/user astring root
inetd_start/working_directory astring :default
inetd_disable/exec astring :kill
inetd_disable/timeout_seconds count 0
inetd_disable/type astring method
tm_common_name/C ustring remote\ login
tm_man_in_rlogind/manpath astring /usr/share/man
tm_man_in_rlogind/section astring 1M
tm_man_in_rlogind/title astring in.rlogind
tm_man_rlogind/manpath astring /usr/share/man
tm_man_rlogind/section astring 1M
tm_man_rlogind/title astring rlogind
restarter/auxiliary_state astring none
restarter/next_state astring none
restarter/state astring online
restarter/state_timestamp time 1279422254.402269000
inetd_state/cur_state integer 1
inetd_state/next_state integer 13

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