From: David Flower on

On Oct 14, 9:02 am, Brooks Moses <bmoses-nos...(a)>
> Rostyslaw J. Lewyckyj wrote:
> > Andrew Swallow wrote:
> >>Columns 73 to 80 were for card sorting.  BASIC is the language with
> >>the label on every line.  Putting a label on every line in Fortran
> >>uses up the symbol table and switches the optimiser off.
> > Really?Somewhere online is a scanned version of the October 15, 1956 IBM manual
> entitled "Fortran Automatic Coding System for the IBM 704", which was
> pretty much the original public document describing the language.
> On page 44 [1], there is a list of the various symbol tables that the
> Fortran compiler uses -- there are quite a lot, so "symbol table" is
> misleading -- and the first entry is "(TEIFNO Table).  The number of
> Fortran statements which have statement numbers must not exceed 1500."
> As for switching off the optimiser, that presumably was a later version,
> as this one is before the compiler was fancy enough that one could
> switch it on.  :)
> - Brooks
> [1] Which in the scan is unfortunately repeated in place of page 42.
> --
> The "bmoses-nospam" address is valid; no unmunging needed.

For those of you who never encountered a punch-card in anger, it was
possible to electro-mechanically sort a deck that had been accidently
dropped - provided that columns 72-80 were numbered in order

Dave Flower

From: Gene Wirchenko on
glen herrmannsfeldt <gah(a)> wrote:


>Stories are that the first Fortran compiler had a good optimizer.
>It was considered necessary to compete with assembler programmers
>in code speed. Optimizers I know of know which labels are used and

So I understand.

>which aren't, but it might be that not all do that.

I assume that it was this (or something similar):

Limited storage was an issue. There could be backwards
references, so the compiler could not know that a label would not be
used until it had read the whole source or at least a whole module.
Either that, or another pass would be needed. Due to the limited
storage, that might not have been possible either.


Gene Wirchenko

Computerese Irregular Verb Conjugation:
I have preferences.
You have biases.
He/She has prejudices.
From: glen herrmannsfeldt on
Gene Wirchenko wrote:

(snip on historical Fortran and optimizing compilers)

> Limited storage was an issue. There could be backwards
> references, so the compiler could not know that a label would not be
> used until it had read the whole source or at least a whole module.
> Either that, or another pass would be needed. Due to the limited
> storage, that might not have been possible either.

With limited storage, it is usually required to keep some data on
external storage, tape or drum on early machines, disk on later

Also, the restrictions on DO loops, even with extended range of
a DO loop, allow for some optimization even with statement labels.

-- glen

From: Lynn McGuire on
>> On page 44 [1], there is a list of the various symbol tables that the
>> Fortran compiler uses -- there are quite a lot, so "symbol table" is
>> misleading -- and the first entry is "(TEIFNO Table). The number of
>> Fortran statements which have statement numbers must not exceed 1500."

>For those of you who never encountered a punch-card in anger, it was
>possible to electro-mechanically sort a deck that had been accidently
>dropped - provided that columns 72-80 were numbered in order

That is columns 73-80.


From: James Parsly on
When I was in high school, back in 1975, we had an IBM 1620
with a Fortran II compiler. It had 20K digits of memory and no
disk or tape of any kind.

Our procedure for compiling was as follows:

1. Read pre-compiler deck using card read. We would then
all line up to run our card decks through the card reader. This part
only checked for
obvious syntax errors, a lot of which resulted from miscounted
hollerith strings in FORMAT statements.

2. We would then load up the actual compiler, and read our decks through
I can't remember if we had to read the decks twice, although that
reasonable. I do remember that you'd get to a point where the card
would seem to be reading the source deck one card at a time, at which
would punch several cards of "object deck"

3. Finally we would load the "fixed subroutine" deck, which I suppose was
"run time library". It used up the first 6000 or so digits of memory.
You would
then read your "object deck" back in. Finally you would hit a button
that allowed
you to enter a command that told the system where to start running your

Seems like a huge pain-in-the-butt looking back, but at the time we all
thought it
was truly cool. Plus the room where the computer was located was the only
at the school that had air conditioning.

"glen herrmannsfeldt" <gah(a)> wrote in message
> Gene Wirchenko wrote:
> (snip on historical Fortran and optimizing compilers)
>> Limited storage was an issue. There could be backwards
>> references, so the compiler could not know that a label would not be
>> used until it had read the whole source or at least a whole module.
>> Either that, or another pass would be needed. Due to the limited
>> storage, that might not have been possible either.
> With limited storage, it is usually required to keep some data on
> external storage, tape or drum on early machines, disk on later
> machines.
> Also, the restrictions on DO loops, even with extended range of
> a DO loop, allow for some optimization even with statement labels.
> -- glen