Trouble with hidpi.h from WDK, trying to use WiiYourself I followed your posts in here and game developer as I was having the same troubles. I was having all the same troubles. This is how I got my code to compile and build: WDK version 7600.16385.0 Windows 7 SDK (v7.0) Visual Studio 2008 (haven't tried Express yet) Used Jan Axelson's code (usbhidioc) Ordere... 21 Sep 2009 14:34
which core does the __readmsr read? Hi there, The MSDN documentation tells that __readmsr functions read a register at the specified address, but which core in multi-core processor? The same function talks about AMD, but what about Intel? The link: Javier Andrés Cáceres Alvis Blog Per... 15 Sep 2009 20:18
A bug in GetProcAddress? Even in OSes without ASLR, a base address can also vary between processes if they are loaded dynamically in a different order, because of a different execution path, can't it? The base address in the DLL file is only a "preferred" base address. Paul "Ben Voigt [C++ MVP]" <bvoigt(a)newsgroup.nospam> wrote in m... 17 Sep 2009 23:54
How to Communicate with chips on the ISA bus/SMBus? Hi m I reviewed that method but It does not perform any SMBus/ISA access. Thanks, "m" wrote: Look at GetSystemFirmwareTable in MSDN. "Javier Càceres" <JavierCceres(a)> wrote in message news:C1654A99-D47B-4357-A123-689C2AED50AD(a) Hi there, ... 9 Sep 2009 09:41
Strange MDL behavior Hi, Sometimes I experience strange behavior when writing to the irp->MdlAddress buffer of a disk filter driver I am writing. In my IRP_MJ_READ routine I need to return the contents of an internal buffer in stead of passing the request on to the disk driver. If I enter the code below in the IRP_MJ_READ disp... 5 Sep 2009 12:04
data stored on CDs in raw mode Dear All; I have data stored on CDs in raw mode. All discs can be read in cooked mode but reading some discs with DeviceIoControl specifiying IOCTL_CDROM_READ_RAW returns ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION. My question is: what determines if a disk can be read in raw mode? Is it cdrom.sys? Is it disk it- self? (I ass... 3 Sep 2009 07:52
Type Conversions Does anyone know if there are any routines in the C runtime that allows comversion from one type to another? We have a need to potentially convert data from one type to another at runtime, we dont know until runtime and the 'type' of both source and target are a simple code. We need to support from/to char,... 23 Dec 2008 08:16
Open a Registry storage file First, I apologize if I am posting this in the wrong newsgroup. I searched for a while and couldn't figure out where this go. I am trying to figure out if I can open a registry storage file and read data from it. The files that I specifically need to open are the ones for users that are not currently logged... 15 Dec 2008 19:13
VC98 IDL compiler (MIDL) - Where to get it ? Hello All, I've currently succeeded making an ActiveX component in pure Assembly, but I'm a bit stuck in regard to creating a TypeLib file. By some googeling I found that MS uses the "midl" compiler for that, and was able to find a machine that had Visual C installed and could than use that program. Alas,... 16 Dec 2008 10:11
CreateProcessAsUser fails with error code 2 (file not found) I have code that works on XP and Vista, on about 20 different test PCs, except on one XP system CreateProcessAsUser fails sometimes. Here is the code, without error checking: OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(),TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS,&t); DuplicateTokenEx (t,TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS,NULL,SecurityImpersonation,TokenPrimary,... 18 Dec 2008 16:08 |