From: Jeremy Allison on
On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 10:19:22PM +0100, Tim Hattrell wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been trying to get this to work for a while now but no luck...
> I have a NTFS formatted drive mounted using ntfs-3g on a linux computer.
> This drive is then shared using Samba. When I connect to the share from a
> windows machine and create new files their permissions are set for three
> users: Everyone, Root (unix user) and Root (unix group) but the actual user
> which created the file does not exits.
> My actual user name on windows is "Tim Hattrell" and on Linux "tim". I have
> created a "User Mapping File" and placed in
> /mnt/NTFS_Files/.NTFS-3G/UserMapping to no avail.
> How do I get the permissions to map properly from Windows->Samba->ntfs-3g
> and back again? How can I tell if this is a Samba problem or an ntfs-3g
> problem?

When you look at the owners of the file by doing an ls -l
on the locally mounted directory do you see the Windows owners
on the Linux box ?

If not, then you need to fix that first. Samba only reports
what the Linux owners appear to be.

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