From: Steve Foster on
Neil wrote:

> Think I'd inadvertently changed the user details.
> Have had problems with CIECW, errors point to time service

I've never heard of the Time service affecting the CEICW.

The CEICW writes its own log, and if you're having trouble getting it
to complete successfully, that log would be the place to start.

Steve Foster
For SSL Certificates, Domains, etc, visit.:
From: Neil on
Thanks for reply, below is the ICW log showing time server error.


28/07/2010 14:10
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Windows Small Business
Server\Networking\ICW\wizemail.dll, version 5.2.2893.0
calling CEmailCommit::ValidatePropertyBag ().
calling pdispPPPBag->QueryInterface (IPropertyPagePropertyBag, 0x6e50c).
Call to pdispPPPBag->QueryInterface () returned ok.
calling ReadInt4 (0xf2a618, DB5E5E45-3598-4F1D-8FF7-0ED35B9EB6A4).
Call to ReadInt4 () returned ok.
The out param of ReadInt4() is -1.
calling CValidatePropertyUtil.ValidatePropertyInteger ().
Call to CValidatePropertyUtil.ValidatePropertyInteger () returned ok.
Call to CEMailCommit::ValidatePropertyBag () returned ok.
calling CNetCommit::Commit (15902232).
calling CNetCommit::ValidatePropertyBag ().
Call to Querying for the property bag () returned ok.
Property bag is not dirty, skipping validation
calling CNetCommit::Common ().
Error 0x800700ea returned from call to Configuring the time service().
Error 0x800700ea returned from call to CNetCommit::Common().
Error 0x800700ea returned from call to CNetCommit::Commit().
calling CRFireCommit::CommitEx (0xf2a618).
calling CRFireCommit::ValidatePropertyBag (0xf2a618).
Call to This is a Router Single Nic configuration only Web Publishing will
be configured, Basic Firewall will not be configured. () returned ok.
Call to Reading web publishing selection () returned ok.
Call to Reading OWA publishing selection () returned ok.
Call to Reading RUP publishing selection () returned ok.
Call to Reading Monitoring publishing selection () returned ok.
Call to Reading OMA publishing selection () returned ok.
Call to Reading RPC publishing selection () returned ok.
Call to Reading Companyweb publishing selection () returned ok.
Call to Reading ROOT publishing selection () returned ok.
Web publishing selections:
OWA publishing: 1
RUP publishing: 1
Monitoring publishing: 1
OMA publishing: 1
RPC publishing: 1
Companyweb publishing: 0
ROOT publishing: 1
Call to CRFireCommit::ValidatePropertyBag () returned ok.
Call to GetPrivateNICGuid () returned ok.
Call to GetIPAddress for private nic () returned ok.
Call to GetSubnetMask for private nic () returned ok.
RUP is published
Call to Fixing the inheritance for root dir () returned ok.
Call to Unpublishing the default web site () returned ok.
Call to Publishing root () returned ok.
Call to Publishing /Exchange () returned ok.
Call to Publishing /ExchWeb () returned ok.
Call to Publishing /Public () returned ok.
Call to Publishing /ExAdmin () returned ok.
Call to Publishing RUP () returned ok.
Call to Publishing client help for RUP () returned ok.
Call to Publishing Monitoring () returned ok.
Call to Publishing OMA () returned ok.
Call to Publishing ActiveSync () returned ok.
Call to Publishing RPC () returned ok.
Call to Configuring RPC over HTTP () returned ok.
Call to Notify RUP for OWA () returned ok.
Call to Notify RUP for Monitoring () returned ok.
Call to Notify RUP for RPC () returned ok.
Call to Notify RUP for Companyweb () returned ok.
Call to Restricting exhchangeoma to local server only () returned ok.
Call to Restricting ConnectComputer to local network only () returned ok.
Call to GetInternetServerName () returned ok.
Call to GetNetbiosDomainName () returned ok.
Call to NotifyProvisioning () returned ok.
Call to Limiting number of connections () returned ok.
Call to Sending RUP intro mail () returned ok.
Call to Saving web publishing selection () returned ok.
calling Set Web Publishing Rules (0x0).
Call to GetPrivateNICGuid () returned ok.
Call to WMIGetIPAddress () returned ok.
Call to IISConfig Set () returned ok.
Call to Setting default logon domain for OMA () returned ok.
Call to Setting Anonymous Access () returned ok.
Call to CRFireCommit::Commit () returned ok.
Calling CCertCommit::CommitEx
Calling CCertCommit::ValidatePropertyBag
Require SSL for OWA: 1
Require SSL for Remote Portal: 1
Require SSL for Monitoring: 0
Require SSL for OMA: 0
Require SSL for CompanyWeb: 0
Require 128 Bit Encryption: 1
Cert selection: -1
CCertCommit::ValidatePropertyBag returned OK
Opening the cert store returned OK
Reading the computer name returned OK
Reading the fully qualified server name returned OK
CCertCommit::EnableSSL returned OK
CCertCommit::RequireSSL returned OK
CCertCommit::NotifyRemoteUserPortal returned OK
Reading the Internet Server Name returned OK
Updating provisioning info returned OK
Sending RUP intro mail returned OK
CCertCommit::SaveUserSelections returned OK
CCertCommit::CommitEx returned OK
calling CEmailCommit::Commit (0x2d7a88).
calling CEmailCommit::ValidatePropertyBag ().
calling pdispPPPBag->QueryInterface (IPropertyPagePropertyBag, 0x6e488).
Call to pdispPPPBag->QueryInterface () returned ok.
calling ReadInt4 (0xf2a618, DB5E5E45-3598-4F1D-8FF7-0ED35B9EB6A4).
Call to ReadInt4 () returned ok.
The out param of ReadInt4() is -1.
calling CValidatePropertyUtil.ValidatePropertyInteger ().
Call to CValidatePropertyUtil.ValidatePropertyInteger () returned ok.
Call to CEMailCommit::ValidatePropertyBag () returned ok.
calling pdispPPPBag->QueryInterface (IPropertyPagePropertyBag, 0x6e4f4).
Call to pdispPPPBag->QueryInterface () returned ok.
calling ReadInt4 (0xf2a618, DB5E5E45-3598-4F1D-8FF7-0ED35B9EB6A4).
Call to ReadInt4 () returned ok.
The out param of ReadInt4() is -1.
calling GetDomainAndControllerNames ().
Call to GetDomainAndControllerNames () returned ok.
calling GetOrganizationName (\\ernest.EJGeorge.local, DC=EJGeorge,DC=local).
Call to GetOrganizationName () returned ok.
calling GetFirstAdministrativeGroup (\\ernest.EJGeorge.local,
DC=EJGeorge,DC=local, EJGEORGE).
Call to GetFirstAdministrativeGroup () returned ok.
calling GetFirstRoutingGroup (\\ernest.EJGeorge.local, DC=EJGeorge,DC=local,
EJGEORGE, first administrative group).
Call to GetFirstRoutingGroup () returned ok.
Call to SetCookieAuthentication () returned ok.
Call to Enabling Wireless admin for OMA () returned ok.
Call to Getting NETBIOS domain name () returned ok.
Call to Enabling NTLM on /public () returned ok.
calling CommitPOP3 (0xf2a618).
Call to CommitPOP3 () returned ok.
calling _SetRegInt4Value (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
Last_MailOption_Exchange, -1).
Ignoring return value from call to _SetRegInt4Value().
Call to CEMailCommit::Commit () returned ok.
calling GetBOConnector ().
Call to GetBOConnector () returned ok.
calling spADs->PutEx (ADS_PROPERTY_CLEAR, msExchSmtpOutboundSecurityPassword).
Call to spADs->PutEx () returned ok.
calling spADs->SetInfo ().
Call to spADs->SetInfo () returned ok.

"Steve Foster" wrote:

> Neil wrote:
> > Think I'd inadvertently changed the user details.
> > Have had problems with CIECW, errors point to time service
> I've never heard of the Time service affecting the CEICW.
> The CEICW writes its own log, and if you're having trouble getting it
> to complete successfully, that log would be the place to start.
> --
> Steve Foster
> For SSL Certificates, Domains, etc, visit.:
> .
From: Steve Foster on
Neil wrote:

> Error 0x800700ea returned from call to Configuring the time service().

Ah, it obviously just makes sure the time service is running.

Since yours is mangled, that would throw the CEICW.

Use this:

Unregister the service, and re-register it. That should clean
everything up for you.

Steve Foster
For SSL Certificates, Domains, etc, visit.:
From: Neil on
W32tm was not registered.
Registered it and it started OK, then ran CEICW with no problems.

Thanks for your assistance

"Steve Foster" wrote:

> Neil wrote:
> > Error 0x800700ea returned from call to Configuring the time service().
> Ah, it obviously just makes sure the time service is running.
> Since yours is mangled, that would throw the CEICW.
> Use this:
> Unregister the service, and re-register it. That should clean
> everything up for you.
> --
> Steve Foster
> For SSL Certificates, Domains, etc, visit.:
> .